preceptor; and its knowledge becomes beneficial when it is applied with due consideration.
1. Tapa Pada- Tapa (austerity) burns away the particles of evil Karmas which have become attached to the regions of Atmā from times immemorial, and separates the evil particles from those regions. It is also called Nirjară Tattva.
Tapa is of two types viz Bahya (external) and Abhyantara [Internal]. Each one of these is of six kinds. Bahya [externa]] Tapa can be accomplished in six ways:- viz 1. Anagana [aban. donment of the four kinds of eatables ], 2, Unodari [ taking a few morsels of food less than the daily quantity] 3. Vritt! samkṣépa [curtailment of articles of maintenance.] 4 Rasatyaga [abandonment of savoury articles of food] 5 Kaya kléda [bodily distress such as plucking of hair etc ] and 6. Samlīnată [ contracting body-limbs ].
Abhyantara Tapa is of the following six kinds:- 1. Prāya ścita [atonement] 2. Vinaya [discipline] 3. Valyavrata [rendering of service to deserving persons]. 4. Svädhyāya [repeating of study to one's self.] 5. Dhyana [religious contemlation], and 6. Kāyotsarga [relinquishment of the body in meditation].
Tapa should always be practised in such a way that there may not be any dur-dhyāna [evil meditation, that there may not occur any diminution in the activities of mind, speech, and body; and that the sense-organs may not become weakened Besides, one is greatly benefited when austerity is practised [a]. without any desire of happiness of this world, wealth, or of fame. [b] without a niyāņu* [an eager desire] for acquiring any of the nine wished-for objects and [c] by observing perfect tranquility of
* The niyāņu or an eager desire relates to any of the following nine: objects viz. [1] Of becoming a king [2] of becoming a very rich merchant [3] of becoming female [4] becoming a male [5] possessing sexual instinct towards one's self. [6 Possessing sexual instuct towards others [7] Becoming less diseased, [8] Becoming a pauper [9] Becoming a Śrāvaka.
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