likely to prove to be a determining cause of abhorence to the world for a wise man, then, what to say about a combination of them. It is one of the greatest wonders that people do not make an effort to walk on the path of Final Emancipation, although objects capable of creating abhorence to world are always visibly existent. What to say more? You, now, adop the True Religion. There arise a number of mishaps in a meritorious act. It is not fit to postpone.
On hearing this, Priyamitra Cakravartin, respectfully laid himself low at the feet of Guru Mahārāja Potillacārya, and said 44 O worshipful lord ! Whatever you have said is quite appropriate, I am now desirous of abandoning my household etc, and of entering the life of a religious mendicant. The Guru Mahārāja said: "O good man! Do not delay now. That is the most appropriate path for wise persons like your-self knowing the excellent path. Priyamitra Cakravartin then saluted the Guru Mahārāja, and he went to his palace. There he called some prominent citizens, his ministers, commander-in-chief, and other officers of the state, and told them; "O good people! I am, now, desirous of renouncing the enjoyments of this life, and leading a well-regulated ascetic life, I ask your pardon, if I have harassed you when I took you under my suzerainty or have exacted service by force or have troubled you by taking more taxes from you. They said “ O lord Our own heart is really made of adamantine stone that it is not shattered to pieces by hearing these words. Our parents were primarily benefacient towards na but you have established progressively virtuous qua lities in us; we are now ashamed of heartlessly remaining in our houses without rendering service to your lotus-like feet Who else can tolerabe our faults, in the way, that you have personally done! You are, therefore, our object of shelter during the next life, as well as, during this life". The Cakravartin replied :-" If it be so, you go to your respective houses, and having entrusted all your worldly affairs to your sons, you do everything that is necessary, and having speedily done all the work, you come to man palanquina. Having respectfully accepted the words of the
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