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The Buddhists say that words are not representative of their meanings, bochuse they are used even for denoting the past and future realities. If they were having an inseparable connection, their usage would be restricted and no meaning would come out of them. They, therefore, think that the word signifies only the imaginary universalised reality.103
On the otber hand, the Jainas postulate a theory that words are of two kinds, universal and particular. If words were not valid to show the existence of the external world, they would be meaningless and therefore useless and knowledge would be impossible,104 Kundakunda says that there are four different kinds of material objects, viz. Skandhas, skandhadešas, skandha pradesas, and Paramanns. Skandhas are the aggregates of atoms. The next two are the differences in molecular constitution. The last one is a primary atom which constitus the other three classes, 108 The atom cannot be divided ( paramāņā ceva avibhāgi ).108 Sound is generated by skandhas when they strike against one another. The sound produced by skandhas may be natural (svabhävika) or artificial (prayogika. ) 107
Thunder of cloud and the roar of the sea are natural sound while the artificial sound is purposeful which is divided into two types, bhaşatmaka ( language ) and abhasātmūka (non-language ). The language sound again may be akarātmaka ( articulate) and anakşarātmaka (inarticulate). The aksaratmaka sound is made up of alphabetical sounds while the anaksara/maka is the language of animals. Anaksuratmaka sounds are of four kiads, viz (i) tata sound produced by musical instruments covered by leather, (ii) vitata sound produced by viņā, etc, (iii) gnana produced by metallic instruments like tala, etc. and (iv) sausira produced by wind-instruments, 108 These sounds can be heard and recognized as they are paudagalika.
(3, 4, 6 ) Dharma, Adharma, and Kala Dravyas
There are no references to dharma, adharma, and Kala Dravyas in Páli literature. The Darmästikaya is almost similar to the paticcasamuppuda ( dependent origination) of the