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Ubhaya, Viveka, Vyutsarga, Tapa, Cheda, Parihara, and Upasthapana 50 During the rainy season a Jaina ascetic should stop his touring and abstain from walking on green grass or water. One should move about only during the day taking proper care not to tread on any living creature (sāmyak iriyā samiti ).51
Complete nakedness ( jahījāya ) is one of the essentials of Jaina (Digambara ) monkh.od.52 He should have 27 qualities Pran lipatavırmana etc.53 Among the requisites he is permitted to have a broom made of peacock feathers and a waterpot made of wood for using after answering calls of nature. He sleeps either on the bare ground or on a plank of wood. He never uses blankets and the like, even during the cold season. He is not supposed even to touch money.
A Jaina ascetic takes his meal and water once a day between about 9 A. M. and 18 Noon. He eats out of his own palms in a standing position. The concept behind this rule is to abstain from all botherations and mundane affairs. The food should be pure in nine ways (navakoți-parisuddham) 45 The faults pertaining to the improper begging of food are generally grouped into four, viz. Udgama (preparation of foud), Utpadana ( the ways of adopting food), Esana (the method of accepting food), and Paribhoga ( way of eating food, its quantity, etc).55 The main purpose of eating is to gain physical strength adequate for the purpose of Performing religious duties.
The fundamentals of moral discipline consist of the twentyeight Malagunas, the Uttaragunas, five-fold Acuras, the twelve Anupreksas or reflections, the twelve-fold penance or Tapas, ten kinds of Vaiyavṛtya, and the twentytwo kinds of Pariṣaha. They are as follows:
The twenty-eight Mulgunas :
(1) Pañca Mahāvratas: total abstention from five great sins, i.e. Hims (violence), Asatya (telling a lie), Steya (theft), Abrahma (sexual intercourse ), and Parigraha (worldly attachment).