Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 31
Author(s): Hirananda Shastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 310
________________ 216 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA (VOL. XXXI The fifteenth sentence, which is partially preserved, reads :..........ud pana........... mātikani yathāraha nätikasu pavatitaviye. The complete sentence as found in the Erragudi copy reads : yathā vā puna achariyasa nātikāni yathārahan nätikäsu rpavatitaviye (Sanskrit yatha vă punah achāryasya Watikah (santi) yatharhan (taih tasya] jätikäsu fidam] pravartitavyam), "Then again, this (principle underlying the order) should be established in the proper manner among (the teacher'8) female relations by the male relations he may have." In the RājulaMaņdagiri copy, the reading may be nātikesu (Sanskrit jñātikeshu). The sixteenth sentence, also fragmentary, rung : ........ ate................ viya yarisa porānā pakati. The complete sentence reads as follows in the Erragudi copy : hesapit artevāsīsu yathārahań pavatitaviye yārisā porānā pakiti (Sanskrit : etat api antevāsishu yatharhan pravartitavyan yādrisi paurāni prakritib), “This should also be established (by them) in the proper way among their own) pupils in accordance with what is the ancient usage". The seventeenth sentence. which is damaged, reads: yathāraharh yatha iya” ............ siya ............ tha anapayātha cha antevāsi..... In the Erragudi copy, the complete sentence reads : yathäraham yatha iyan sätiro(re)ko siya hevari tuphe änapayatha nivesayātha cha antevāsīni (Sanskrit : yathārham yatha idań sätirekam syāt evan yüyam ajñāpayata nivesayata cha antevāsinah), "You should thus guide and instruot your pupils in the proper way, so that this (principle underlying the order) grows (among them abundantly)". The RājulaMandagiri copy seems to have nivesayātha anapayātha cha in the place of anapayātha nivesayatha cha of the Erragudi version. Only two aksharas of the last sentence of the Rajula-Mandagiri copy are traceable on the impressions. But the sentence seems to read as in the Erragudi oopy : hevari Devānampiya ana payati (Sanskrit : evaṁ Devānāmpriyah aj lāpayati), "Thus orders the Beloved of the Gods". TEXT ...... 10 A. Minor Hock Edict I 1 "I) Devānampiye hevä[ha)* [l*) (II) adhik[A]nie [cha? a)...... k[e] [l*) (III) no tu [kho] 2 e[ka] saṁva[chhara pa]karte husam [l*) (IV) (sā]tire(ke)...... [payā]te ba3 dham cha me paka[m]te [I*) (V) [i]minā (chu) kā[le]na ami........ [bhū]tă [l*] (VI) (pa]ka[ma]1 This akshara is damaged and is preceded by a damaged ad at the beginning of the line. This sd is, however, actually meant for the beginning of the following line. 1 of this word, o[@] stands at the beginning of the third line from bottom and tiro(re)ke at the beginning of the penultimate line. From impressions. • There is a trisceles symbol at the beginning of the line. * This word stands for Sanskrit evam aha. • Other versions would suggest sâdhikani. But the Erragadi oopy has adhikani. "This damaged akshara looks more like ma. About 15 aksharas are damaged here. They may be restored as dhatiyani samvachhardni yana hata wpisa". About 12 aksharas which are damaged here may be restored as tu kho sarhvachchhare yan maya samyhe v'. 10 The number of akaharas damaged here is about 12 and they may be restored as a munind deshi la dari misi.


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