Book Title: Collected Articles Of LA Schwarzschild On Indo Aryan 1953 1979
Author(s): Royce Wiles
Publisher: Australian National University
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QUELQUES ADVERRES PRONOMINAUX DU MOYEN INDIEN 273 done postérieure à l'époque de l'apabhramsa, mais il faut noter qu'on y trouve les premiers commencements des systèmes modernes.
Malgré les tendances archaisantes des textes littéraires, on peut donc dégager quelques principes d'évolution chronologique en moyen indien: 1" Avant le temps d'Alokaire est créé sous l'influence d'itas;
Avant le temps d'Asoka : tendance d'une à devenir era sous l'influence d'etal>eta:
3. La voyelle i de l'éphémère *ira a pénétré dans le reste de la série, donc sitha, etc.;
& Un peu plus tard : Inila até remplacé par tha <-il dans les adverbes de lieu:
5* Tendances populaires des premiers siicles ap. J.-C, et qui se retrouvent en apabhrama:
a la voyelle e d'atha itre s'est introduite dans le reste de la sórietarla, cic)
confusion complete entre les adverbes de lieu et les alverbes de direction:
dahelari devient adverbe de lieu 6 En apabhirama, on a croelettahe, etc., selon tale.
d c ine or of the Andha M , they do not seem to ative participle frosty is the n e restricted to say i t. They are Aryan Tengages in all their stages of develop Ardemlight and Jain Sani faca <ał ment, but it is particularly frequent in Middle . This wonder al in Aparmia in the Indo-Arsa The constant petition of bo forma. Hemd e IL si derives it from tives is welcown to be one of the main features tath, sot affins, and obesitas emple of of Jain Prakrit syntax Prom o ry of the the regular change of to instead of forms used it would appear if there had been
Both fat and th en bessed in a comparatively rapid tumor of forms in the literarit e r hous ing truth and they er lange, though perhapem continuity informimilar kinds of compounds, totho popular och
windfattede. In all the two words are Vedie a umber of form for this partie de kept apart, but in Prakrit they have become bopefel f , as well as well and the lowly confused. Thus Andamadhi face-
pain e further quote the otherwise usted the name of part of the last section of the Jain mand - The were reduced to two
mentioned in The X, and commen in Classical Sanskrit, for imple were for taries and dictionaries like undecided compound verbe, though the Vedie forma em to whether to derive from fattade or tatky have survived in popular speech in Middle Indo: wide. Whichever derivation in correct the cos Aryan there is a variety of forms of which most probably due to another intent that of the the more important are
s , which is frequent in
the Prakrits and in Apabhu The fact that - forms at (m), () (); posi
no much influence appear in Pali may be connected bly. c o m ): well
with the son of Bodhist religions technical -ivice, pp-epi
term. The Apabhuma facou probably represents forms: 0, 1, () (m), 6.
continuation of the AM, formi, rather than to The geographical and chronological distribution
newed influence of wet. In any co of these forms is complexe s to have fathy or forwa y cannot be aidan possible for the Sanskrit consonantalone to emple of phonetic change have fourfold development in this position in Plcohi, quoted by Hemand (II. 15 and Middle Indo-Aryan (1) Palatalition to ce; () 128) derivative of priul, is an isolated Sampra t o (3) Asimilation to (4) form. Pythu sem to have survived in the PreAssimilation to
krits mainly e m bered word; it normally The base solution to be that (2) la per appen
a l in the Jain Canon, though hane characteristie of the Southern dialect (8) puthat is found in the Candapannatti. The popof the Eastern dialects, () of the Western disiar forma would be pithi or "puh, and would lect while (1) is very spordi
In fiet bedential with the derivatives of Sanskrit
P rib' which conto Profesor Timer 1. Apart from shootives of the type >
has gives the modem Hindi back and tricot, the number of examples of this type of pala
idential are with the derivatives of Sanskrit alation quoted by Pichel and the based on his work is very limited, and though most There are pe
14. P. 597 CE J. Bech, Pur d e
te Tuth, Pula
(Caleta, Paris, 1915). 1 Peder Pro
RL , Dory of
Language . 100. 0
L 10. 30