Book Title: Collected Articles Of LA Schwarzschild On Indo Aryan 1953 1979
Author(s): Royce Wiles
Publisher: Australian National University
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Second and Third in Middle Indo-Aryan
ACCORDING TO Y DE SAURER "motivated fint was obviously bad on a tem quite differ worde, which are linked with others aus derivativesent from
The words for sint in the or infected forms, are much more frequent in modern languages, ... Hindi pala, Gujarati very grammatical languages soch Sanskrit pakeld, Marnthi pala semain disociated from than in modern lexicological languages, where cha oneThe derivation of these modern forms each word tends to be a separate unit that has no from the Apabiramis pubilla or pola preobvious etymological a ntion with anything tha is well known, but the US of the reele. This A S ure himself pointed out, is placement of prathama padhama by prathis by no means an sholute rule, and there are numer Warrant some further stady. ons exceptions to it. The ordinal number other Theater which us in prathama 'first than Art in some Indo-European
W ed in Sanskrit for forming many ordinals form one map of exception is very gam-above out and for contrastive adjective with matilling. like Latin, unidos cond u perlative force ... Adima initial, first was quite separate from the cardion tumeral duo c a st. parcima last western. In epic two, wheness in more "lexicological language Sanskrit the cro w ns extended and it rederived from Latis much modern French, placed the superlative and in ordinals of maldeurme d' is obviously bad ondertiples of ten, this nanatime appen for ma n a
There is lit doubt that similar te- ninetieth Bone of its frequent use with banes modellin nder the influence of the cardinal ending in the wut the considered to be
ben took place in the words meanincondimai WA deveni ces where the vowel and third, but not first in the course of the
Dot justised, incarime for carama development of Sanskrit into Middle and Modern last. At the same time in early Middle IndoIndo-Ary.
Ary B show by Pali und Prakrit texts like, To Vedi and Sanskrit, as in practically all the relative superlative was weakened and graduIndo-European languages, the numeral pinam ally replaend by the comparative. This meat
*. de Buure Cour le platigue erale, RL Two, pr e dtywaloploat Di od. Paris, 1949). 16
of the language Lendon, 1931) Wackel, Alrike Great
Broa, dr World Bakit nama 180), p. 405,
(New Haven, 1960). pp. 131er
that the need was felt for a more emphate mafix pointed out, is foreign to the word 'first this where the superlative in a had been tased, per is generally emphntie and has a stronger alinity ticularly in the contrastive adjectives. Sachan with the contestire adjectives than with the emphatic and popular suffix was illa, which indi. numerale. An Iolated exception to this is aange eated possession as well as intensity, in the land in modern Marwa to mean the first day Ardha-Magadhl words fanals Oy, dila of the month, which is clearly derived from 'true' la appears the sun emphatie replace akaone. There were however in Middle Indoment for the suffis , both in contestire and Arya a mber of other derivatives of eles De other adjectives. This riddhima and riddhi which were not strictly speaking ordinal numer
wealthy retsed in Jain MAr ri, anda , but which were to have an important effect hima and gentilla 'knotty and other similar on the development of other or numerals doublets. Sometimes al was simply added to in the early stages of Modern Indo-Aryan. the adjectives in we therefore find in The Sanskrit word dit indiri, second Andha-M udh punchinilleessternmost from and third, have arrived with modifications in
pursuicima (purp m ) and paddimills Gujerati and in the thin languages, first from pratham. But in the majority of Marwil door wo o nd and jo "third." cases the suffix illa shows one of the main char- similar forms are found in the earlier phases of acteristics of being a ling" suffix: like the other Modern Indo-Aryan language, in Old it is substituted for the entire final of the word Bengali: doja and tits, tod, and in 16th century in which it appears. Hence one finds for instance A t dan anda (Tulad . But in the in the Ardh-
M adhi of the Blagalera: majority of the present-day language these etywuarilla uppermot, haftilla "lowest, uttarilla mological form of the ordinal numerals have been Fnorthernmost, which are based on
a restricted to specialised
e h Hindi httime and uttarima (Bhag. XVI 8). Identiel do and the second and third day of the lunar forms are found in the Jain Sarnet of the th. They have been replaced in their original Digambar texta e a and sarilla on mening of second and third by an entirely in the Bhagave dhand. Everything the new type of form, widely distributed throughout point to a very early substitution of illa for the the centre and east of India Hindi ddard and u x . One may therefore postulate an early ani, Bengali doard and tent. There is no direct Middle Indo-Aryan form a tulla for protams, evidence of the exit of such forms in Apa where cerebralisation of the did not tale place brumath em to have spread mainly in Prathilla e padilla in Apabhrami -illa from the modern innganges. The earlier Middle Indobeing an emphite wolfix became merely pleonastie Aryan tests Pall, the Jain on and classical
(cf. He II 164), and by the Apabrams period Maristel all have derivatives of the classical it had become work that beloonlly a need Sanskrit ordinale to express the motion of second w telt to strengthen the word padla by the end third well some older formations addition of the comparative suitx - <tars doce deity and ac r y, which do not which had take on the role of superlative contribute farther towards our understanding of we the find bilaye fem. palan in the the modern worde. Yet, as in so often the case, Pomacris of Svayambha. The suffix which Middle Todo-Aryan does show indirect signs of is probably justa variant of - Our les free the modern developments quently both m e and will dirty are Barly histories of Modern Indo-Aryan woch used in the Bhagall Andhand (vs 585 and 543), the work of Bloch left the words ddant and find As sugested by Professor Turner, the alternative explained. Hornler had made an attempt to Apab form pila for p ills may be the derive the final of these numents from the San
out of the modern Hindi, Panjabland Nepali words for first
Bakan, The
Awadhi Alla The tendency to model the ordinu merals
hand, TT). 188 on the patter of the Cardinals, previously 3. Blach, La Formation de la langue Marath
(Paris, 1915). 93 Prakrithakketid, indian lagi, The • Hoerul. A partie s of the Goodies nere Volume 1 (1988). 317.
Langua (non, 1850). STI.
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