Book Title: Collected Articles Of LA Schwarzschild On Indo Aryan 1953 1979
Author(s): Royce Wiles
Publisher: Australian National University
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Pint' 'econd and Third in Middle Indo-Aryan
second' and 'Third in Middle Indo-Aryan
skrit past participle apfa moved. This theory of Sanskrit renderings and possible etymological Wis not generally scepted, mainly on phonetic connections for the word kaaral. The Pand grounds. Much more convincing is the view of add- on mention to Sanskrit e nivo. 8. K. Chatter who derived the final -ars of lontstekeserake and ca arge. Eks-sarga having these numer from the verbal adjective and the mind intent on one object is very unlikely from Vatto move, which w e in Sanskrit A prototype for eklarata single "undi. to form the adjective pura preceding vided on mantle ground, and almoat impos This explanation has been accepted a probable wible on phonetie grounds. The obvious explansby Turner, Sakson and other scholars. A study tion is that alkaera a) was formed from the verb of Middle Indo-Arya indicates that the developart mowind wa parallel in composition to ment of the modern forms WI suggested by puro repurare preceding Basaraka) Professor Chatterji, although in some way more this formed would naturally have the meaning complet
of 'going on one's own, aingle, and hence - In Middle Indo-Aryan test there actually divided in the Jain Bripture. The variant exists a formabant (with variante altre forma in Andhs-Magadh with lengthening of the or e san) which has the appearance of the type final of the areenily explained by the slogy of intermediate form that is required by the theory of elddade eleven and in solitary the of S. K. Chister. This word con number former word in particular brought about an ex of times in the Avetimbare canon, but always tension of the long to other compounds of ele in the same context. Typical of such an instance in Middle Indo-Aryan, e., del trenty-one! is a phrase in the last sentence of the Past in the Jain Mahat of the Pedro garan Panganie go pusaklando (20.79) und einen ninety-one in the Ardhndone whayunt banaal da Cr die Midhr of the Bandage. The word ekko wild
the Pan garanti forms one rada), although highly specialed and rebook of Holy Writ. It hasten dided chapters. stricted in me in the Jain onnon survived to which are read in many days. Ella r eale later date and still exists in the Modern Hindi this used of chapters in the canon which are not word awar, ilar single, Nepali chane (cf. also divided into lessons. This is proved further by Middle Bengali kadra). statement in the Samanlage where details of Its probably the analogical influence of the contents of the other sacred texts are given b raka) 'single' that brought about the for Se namangalade docce e de althanshamation of new adjectives from the cardinal tesisa haand tell uddes , the numerals: do-sort and fint. These adjectives od Ang which forms part of the canon being parallel with a grabakara) single tains two book of Holy Writ, consisting of twenty. undivided probably meant originally two tothree chapters to be read at thirty-three different the making a complete two, three togetber, rending times. Abhayadera's commentary to this making a complete three. This sense of making
e mention in explanation that the fint complete soran number is typical of ordinals chapter has four lessons, the second the the in Indo-Aryan, has been shown by Wacker third four, the fourth and sifth have two opengel who quotes se one of his examples the each, while the remaining en chapters of the famous penge from the Athardeda de first book are condivided" He continuent
de mannede,
n ad sedan at mamayant par la volta, "what two man sitting together speak Ishande, and in the second took there are seven boat, King Varan know that third (making great divided chaptersThis explanation complete the number thre). It was probably in counts for the thirty-three reading time necessary this manner that doar and fant developed into for the twenty-three chapters and corresponds to the actual division of the 80sidalgo
L. DT . Sheth, Pets
ADO (Caletta, it is
1993-6). handed down to n.
The Adverbs
twee, three The commentator and lower give a variety times in Inter Avestan e Wacker III
427). For phantle they do not appear to repre.S. K. Chat , Origin and Development of the Bes t parallel development in Irania goN Langue alia, 1996), p.700.
Wacker III. p. 400
ordinal namerlain Modern Indo-Aryan, replacing Sitting there among his companions and among the derivatives of dust and try Over most of cities of the verses of excellent poeta, the lord the centre and the east of India. The word for of men at once grew contented. A variant reading
fourth and higher numeral are on the whole of v. 634 of the Litoral contains ek baarilessed in the completive type of enumeration sind. The ebding bere is no doubt due to the that has given time to the task of dosent and fearlesson of genitive plural indicating time, wuch
ordisala. Cand found in the Inte Jainis Balanmor maydn. Derasionally the word Mainstrt of the Sudanthacaria) bw therefore curam has been confused with alkar ) by not become in ordinal, but has survivedu Hindi inter comentator and has been closed as ekada causar fourfold (particularly of a necklace), a once" (cf. Ludraba v. 178), but in the texts dice game, while the higher ers do not som it always signifies at ODON? simultaneously." to have followed the analogy of abbana) at the time of the endir indicates, chariot all. Although the formation of didant and and is like aku ). W adjectival in origin and we therefore probably due to the Prakrit word to some extent still felt to be an adjective in
'nglerundivided, it is necessary. Prakrit. The derivation of haaram is dearly in order to trace the history of these modern not from a n opportunity tor from ornal to take into account several other deriva cekamaralla) 'single' a suggested by the Pie tives of oba "one" in Middle Indo-Aryan.
saddens . The correct explanation of A fairly common word in Prakrit is alkarim) the word has been indirectly hinted at by Modi Fone which occurs in the Jain can and in the glory to the currant . It seems tinues to be used in Apabhramis (g., Pag- certain that haram was derived from a Carin 2.14.1). Nebu ) is generally taken by one t ri ko b asarito which was the gramm s to be derivative of Sanskrit wided the adverbial ending in the case of chiar sing. Bpecial rules are formulated by a chleasant. B asarian thus mount Hemanden to explain it and its variant elle originally like one and when used with a word in Prakrit (He, 2.102, where hower it is taken for time simultangalya n ' The evidence
Seguivalent of Sanskrit elada 'one'), and of the Middle Indo-Aryan texts apport this views in Apabhram (He 4.498 chako d). The ir- ra r ambling our both in Poland regalar change of the final - of kas to fis Prakrit ( s. 1.148) in maria) Ad appears almost certainly due to the analogical influence ogulsionally in Prakrit from the Ardha-Maradhi of other adverbs, particularly wom) Mulyono, of the Jain ponowards (of, Nyldhammado rather than to the survival of an Indo-European 1.1.2). It is found for instance in the Jain uffix is suggested by 8. Sen. Boch analogi- Mihrist of the Manipuliaria of Hariblandt cal changes in the ending of adverbs and con- 4751 Wana m akalda EMjunctions are not in Prakrit, as for instance Dare-dergryde, translated by R. Williams in us and joid) from yadd when
in the charming story of Sapipati, which is A very similar adverb, derived from okolne like a divinity spreading the same of tranquility." figures in Prakrit. This is cleasarian at once. Sori e d by Hemania in the und Fsimultaneously which is mentioned by Hema- placarita I. 90, and in his
, I. 143. candra (2.313: kirim hagikaprali). In Sarita) like although never a common in Middle some of its occurrence this word appears with the ending of the locative singular feminine as this arvation m ined by A. N. Uparge sary or c are preamably with the hixetition of the
L and (Tombay, 1949). 136, olision of the boun w w w time o re 131. in the Mahir of the Lila
Burjana (v.131):
, K, Thakure, MD Did
M. C odi, Gankwad's Oriental Series No. CXVIII toliko sahihim bas-chandanwattiahig si Paradt, 1956). 15. ha-auto naruto h inde WILL Turner, op. cit., 590. For details of the
development of editorle. Berger, El Prod * Bukums Sen, Comparative rammer of
meer Mindesben Laatler (Muleb, 1956) Inders Clutt, 1950). 162
42 Quelques Adverbes Peon du Moyen In W
i se Port Versions of the Magipat dien . 4. CCXLV (1987). 24
carita (London, 1969), p. 337
- 130 -