Book Title: Collected Articles Of LA Schwarzschild On Indo Aryan 1953 1979
Author(s): Royce Wiles
Publisher: Australian National University

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Page 44
________________ Reprinted from Indian Linguistics - Turner Jubilee Volume I, 1958 PRAKRIT THAKKA, TIRED 252 ANNÉE 1957 post-apabhrama features in the early prekrits, is wie lateral arterly. XXX S. K. CHATTERI, Origin and the Bengali Language Calcutta, 1986, p.858. Pour les d es de liv /, 1956, 3. W I Indo rices, in KZ. 6. 19 . p. 156. SS, Comparative Groma of Middle Indo-Aryan, is die Linguis , Vol. II. Caletta, 13. CEDA, 1956, 3. pour les adverbes de lien derives de cetime. HC entre outros F. En dit lllid Samarit G , New llaves, 1953, 91, . J. Budrimestre (. . . ) w a t anterieur de indien le theme catenere in vivo, quien l'extension de la forme a feminine kapal la th is une influence sur les pronoms relatifsche , .. Vec a Orillis, II, 1953. p. 3 L. P L ( ni). g. 1 . F. H e , Unidade, Calcutta, 1894. Glossaire... m alaya. F. E Buddhist llybrid Sanat D ery, New Haven, 1953, .. L. A. ScuWARZSCHILD, Melbourne IN W. , Pali Literatur vid Sprache, Strasbourg, 1916. I) Pour la théorie la plus récente sur I'r. c. II. B et, Zavi Probleme der wille indischen Landele, Munich, 1955, p. 43. IR L'explication phonétique proposte par G yer pour crise est rejeter comme elle n'est pas d'accord avec les tendances phoniques du moyen indien ilong ne peut at devenir 19 C. la formule te ur m wit m ediertel est le nombre de mes péché, j'ai péché tant de loin, Vavalu , I. Ona bucoup derit sur cette wirie de mus Nu , NZ, 35, p. 51 GRIGER, op. cit., . P l us Jacow. AZ, 58, p. 57 EDGERTON op. cit., 8, 10, II. , . . . . CMI On serait tenté de proposer le thorie has los que lestrie tolly, etc., sort el pour quelque chose dans l'evolution des adjectifs de qualité, faina, etc, qu'on trouve en apable de surtout dans les rues diddotann o les adjectifs de qualité de l'hindi modem internete. L'explication par les formes dilciles de la saunaseni, Wide pour trin i t, n'est pas tout fit convaincante Il se peut que elarbes d e nieul d'abord esprim des Bundes de sens, ayam depuis quand ele, que ces ralli le de ses se sont peu à peu obscuri, come il arrive souvent aber les adverbes fredda le+ de in NHL TENER, Nepali Landen , wie Cr, bote supplantire sur la OM S. K. Chu , Origin and therefore the li langage Calcutta, 1996, 5600 TORSER, p.cit., Y. a . There is a certain exuberance which will not rest contented with traditional expressions, but finds amusement in the creation and propagation of new words and in attaching new meanings to old words', states Professor JESPERSEN in discussion of vulgarisms and slang. From the reading of some philological works it would appear as if the speakers of Prakrit and Apabhramsa had been singularly devoid of this natural creative exuberance, Middle Indo-Aryan first became known to modern philologists in the form of the more stereotyped literary dialects, particularly those of the drama, and there has been a resultant tendency to derive the entire vocabulary either from exact Sanskrit or Vedio prototypes (attested or hypothetical), or as a borrowing from the non-Aryan languages of India. It is mainly the work of J. BLock and R. L TURNER that has shown how many new and vital words were coined in the Middle Indo-Aryan period and have survived into the modern Aryan languages of India. The etymology of Prakrit and Apabhramba thakka tired', 'stationary' and thaklai 'to be tired', 'to stop' is a case in point. The older type of explanation is presented by R. PISCH, who derives thallen from a hypothetical Sanskrit sthakyati. He is followed in this by TYSITORT, Mopri and others. G. V. TAGAR gives a similar etymology. TEstac-ne as the origin of the adjective thakken tired. On the other hand, J. Brock and Professor TURNERT do not reconstruct a hypothetical Sanskrit or earlier original, but suggest that the word was formed in Prakrit itself from the root athd-'to stand', by means of a suffix 1. O. JESSEN, Language, Its Nature Development and Origin. London 1922. p. 2 R. Pesem Grammatik der Prakritsprachen. Strasburg 1900. 488 3. L. P. TESSOR, "Notes on the Grammar of the Old Western Rajasthani". Indies Antiquary 1914-1916. $72. 4 M. C. Mour, Gurjar all, Baroda 1956. Glossary sv. that. 5. G. V. TARE, Historical Grammar of Apabhradie Poona 1968. Glossary .. thaki. 6. J. Broch, La Formation de la Langue Marathe. Paris 1920.994. 7. RLTUR , Dictionary of the Nepali Language. London 1991. s.v. than. -69


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