From Editor's Desk
Jain Center of America Inc., New York has constructed a new temple for worship and other religious activities in 2005. Since then JCA has been gifted with a replica of Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth, sculpted from crystal and gemstones, which was installed at the center in 2010.
To learn more about Ashtapad a lot of literature was collected from scriptures and compiled in XX Volumes. These articles are now being reviewed and a 10% selection of appx. 900 pages are being printed in 2 parts. Part 1 contains articles from scriptures (presented in this volume). While Part II which is related to research on Ashtapad will be published later on.
Whole granth is divided in eight chapters. A small introduction to each chapter is as follows:
Chapter 1 contains original articles from scriptures. Some articles are complete while others are abstracts which are related to Ashtapad. First reference has been found in Aacharang Niryukti. Articles are rearranged that older ones come first in a chronological order. We have tried to collect and put all the material from scriptures in the original format in this granth.
Chapter 2 has analytical articles by many Acharyas and Scholars and the interpretations of articles from the scriptures. Only few articles are selected which has a direct reference to Ashtapad. For all other articles one can refer to Code A in the index with cross reference as given in volume XX chapter 157 and in the DVD.
Chapter 3 has a summary about Shri Rushabhdev Bhagwan and analytical review. We have given the life of Shri Rushabhdev in short. Analytical review includes references about Shri Rushabhdev in Jain Vedic and Western Literature. For other details one can refer to Code R in the index with cross reference in the DVD.
Chapter 4 has Ashtapad related stories like King Bharat, Shri Gautam Swami, and others. All the stories are given as a short summary. For other details one can refer to Code S in the index with cross reference in the DVD.
Chapter 5 has Ashtapad Pooja by Shri Deepvijayji M.S. and various Stavans, Aarti and Stutis. Explanation of all the Poojas with its meanings are also given in detail. There are couple of more poojas written by others which you can find in DVD - under heading of Pooja and stavans. We also have over hundred stavans in the DVD which one can refer to. For more details refer to code P & Q in the index with cross reference in the DVD.
Chapter 6 is about Jain Center of America, with details about 5 floors in the building, an information wall, floor plans, and a small description about the facilities provided. Also included is a summary of artwork including pat, paintings, panels, posters and others-A pictorial guide to Jainism. It is a place of worship for all 5 traditions - A Unity in Diversity. To best of our knowledge this is the I a