The intense insatiable greed for sexual pleasure will make one helpless. So the wife will make him dance like a monkey. And later, will there be not be revenge against each other?
The one with intense insatiable greed lalacha will be lalachoo not only for sexual pleasures but also for eating, drinking and traveling; he is lalachoo in all things.
It is an inner spiritual endeavor purushartha to change the thoughts for intense insatiable greed when they occur. Then, one is not responsible and if those thoughts are not changed, then one is responsible.
The one who is stricken with intense insatiable greed stricken take any
To the lalachoo one, everything is wanted. In the same way as a disease attracts a remedy, all the objects of intense insatiable greed lalacha are attracted to the intensely greedy one.
Only those businesses that are in one's prakruti innate nature can be performed. Out of intense insatiable greed one does gets into imaginary businesses and gets in to trouble.
Why should there be intense insatiable greed lalacha for temporary things?" I don't want any temporary thing in this world." This this decision is made, the intense insatiable greed will go away.
Intense insatiable greed is an inborn thing. The seed of intense insatiable greed goes with one at the time of death and the intense insatiable greed grows from the same seed in the next life.
If intense insatiable greed lalacha are opposed by ego, they will go away. But then, that ego must be washed away. In the presence of Gnani Purush any ailment can be removed. The other remedy to be free from intense insatiable greed is to stop all things that cause intense insatiable greed. One does not think about them and if they come in to one's thoughts, one should do pratikraman, then, one day, one may be free from that which tempts.