Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 22
________________ YOGABINDU these moments has a beginning and an end. Of course, we maintain this position (as to the beginningless character of the process of a soul getting connected with Karmas) because it is upheld by the scriptures. Note: Haribhadra is going to say a lot about a soul falling in bondage as a result of its connection with a foregin element, By 'foreign element' he will usually mean Karmas ( more correctly, Karmaps ) which the Jaina tradition-and it aloneposits in the form of physical entities attracted by a soul as a result of its good and bad deeds and remaining attached to this soul till it has reaped the appropriate consequences of these deeds. Sometimes, however, this 'foreign element' will stand just for the physical apparatus cousisting of body and monas' with the help of which a soul undergoes the experiences it does; this latter usage is alone current in those of the non-Jaiva traditions which posit a foreigu element by way of explaining the bondage of a soul. अनुग्रहोऽप्यनुग्राह्ययोग्यतापेक्ष' एव तु । नाणुः कदाचिदात्मा स्याद् देवतानुग्रहादपि ।१२।। anugraho' y anugrahyayogyalapeksa eva tu / nānuh kadācid ālmā syād devalānugrahad api 1/12|| The granting of favour too depends on the capacity of the party sought to be favoured. E.g. a physical atom cappot turn into a soul eren through a deity's grant of favour. कर्मणो योग्यतायां हि कर्ता तद्व्यपदेशभाक् । नान्यथाऽतिप्रसङ्गेन लोकसिद्धमिदं ननु ।।१३।। अन्यथा सर्वमेवैतदौपचारिकमेव हि । प्राप्नोत्यशोभनं चतत् तत्त्वतस्तदभावतः ॥१४॥ karmano yogyatāyās hi kartā tadvyapadeśabhak / nāngathā'tiprasangena lokasiddham idarı nanu 1/13// anyathā sarvam evaitad au pacārikam eva hi / prāpnoty aśobhanaṁ caitat taltvalas tadabhāvatah //14// An agent is so called never except when the object concerned (i. e. the object this agent directs his activity to) possesses a corresponding capacity, for otherwise there will arise undesirable contingencies. What we ate driving at is plain commonsense and if it is not granted all phenomena of our everyday experience will turn out to be figurative something, a contingency which is certainly undesirable inasmuch as what is merely figarative does not exist as a matter of fact. 1. A reads ofta girato


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