Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 101
________________ ON SAMYAGDRȘTI दैवमात्मकृतं विद्यात् कर्म यत् पौर्वदेहिकम् । Faa: 984512tg field afTETTA 1138411. daivam almakylam vidyāt karma yat paurvadehikam / smplaḥ puruśakāras til kriyate yad ihāparam 1/325|| Really speaking, one's fate represents the act one has oneself performed in an earlier birth while one's perseverance represents the additional act one performs in the present birth. नेदमात्मक्रियाभावे यतः स्वफलसाधकम् । अतः पूर्वोक्तमेवेह लक्षणं तात्त्विकं तयोः ॥३२६॥ nedam almakrijābhāve yataḥ suaphalasādhakam 1 ataḥ pūrvoktam eveha lakşaņam tāttvikam tayoḥ 1/326/1 And since, a karma (i.e. an act performed in an earlier birth and then preserved) cannot yield fruit in the absence of a present operation on the part of the man concerned the real definition of fate and perseverance ought to be what was laid down by us earlier (according to which definition fate and perseverance are different from even if dependent on-one another). दैवं पुरुषकारेण दुर्बलं ह्युपहन्यते । देवेन चैपोऽपीत्येतन्नान्यथा चोपपद्यते ॥३२७॥ daivaṁ puruşakāreņa durbalam hy upahanyale / daivena caișo pily elan nanyathā copapadyale (13271). Fate, wheu weak, is annihilated (i.e. rendered inefficacious) by perseverance while perseverance, when weak, is appibilated (i.e. readered inefficacious) by fate; this mutual annihilation is impossible otherwise (i.e. in case the parties to combat are not uuequal in streugth). कर्मणा कर्ममात्रस्य नोपघातादि तत्त्वतः । स्वव्यापारगतत्वे तु तस्यैतदपि युज्यते ॥३२८|| karmaņā karmamātrasya nopaghaladi tattvataḥ / svavyāpāragatalve tu tasyaitad api yujyate 1/328|| The inutual annihilation etc. (i.e. the mutual anpihilation and mutual buttressing) cannot really take place between a karma taken by itself (i.e., taken independently of a present operation) and another karma taken similarly, but they can understandably take place between the karmas conceived as associated with a present cperation on the part of the soul concerned.


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