Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 105
________________ ON SAMYAGDRSTI Since this man follows proprieties be does not indulge in ignoble acts; and he invariably undertakes noble acts which, in turn, lead to the destruction of bis karmas. संसारादस्य निर्वेदस्तथोच्चैः पारमार्थिकः । . संज्ञानचक्षुषा सम्यक् तन्नैर्गुण्योपलब्धितः ॥३४१॥ saṁsārād asya nirvedas tathoccaiḥ pāramārthikaḥ / sanjnanacaksisa samyak tannairgun yopalabdhitah //341/1 His disgust with the worldly existence absolutely genuine, for with his eyes of wisdoni he has properly realized the worthless character of this worldly existence. : मुक्तौ दृढानुरागश्च तथातद्गुणसिद्धितः । विपर्ययमहादुःखबीजनाशाच्च' तत्त्वतः ॥३४२॥ muktau drdhanurāgaś ca tathātadguṇasiddhitaḥ / viparyayamahaduhkhabijanasac ca tattvatah //34211 His attachment for 'mokṣa is firm, because he has duly assessed all the merits of mokşa and because he has brought about a real destruction of the very seed of perverted understanding which is of the form of a great affliction. एतत्त्यागाप्तिसिद्धचर्थमन्यथा तदभावतः । अस्यौचित्यानुसारित्वमलमिष्टार्थसाधनम् ॥३४३॥ etattyagāptisiddhyartham anyathā tadabhāvataḥ / ...asyaucityanusaritvam alam istarthasadhanam ||343|| With a view to giving up worldly existence and attaining mokṣa this man follows proprieties-for one cannot give up the worldly existence and attain mokşa without following proprieties; and this act of following proprieties is fully adequate to serve his (spiritual) purpose. औचित्यं भावतो यत्र तत्रायं संप्रवर्तते । उपदेश विनाऽप्युच्चैरन्तस्तेनैव चोदितः ॥३४४॥ aucityam bhāvato yatra tatrāyam sampravartate / upadcśam vinā'py uccair antas tenaiva coditaḥ 1/344// He adopts only that course of action which is genuinely proper; and he does so without being instructed by others and as a result of being internally in pelled by his strong sense of perseverance. 1. Both A and B read विपर्ययो महा


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