Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 143
________________ MISCELLANEOUS 127 .. स्वभावापगमे यस्माद् व्यक्तैव परिणामिता । तयाऽनुपगमे त्वस्य रूपमेकं सदैव हि ॥४८४.। svabhāvāpagame yasmād vjaktaiva pariņāmită | . taya'nupagame tv asya rupam ekam sadaiva hi //48411 For if it is granted that in the state of mokşa) a soul gives up a part of its nature this soul obviously turns out to be somethiug that uudergoes ' transformation on the other hand, if it is insisted' that a soul never undergoes transformation this soul must always exbibit one and the same form. तत् पुनर्भाविकं वा स्यादापवर्गिकमेव वा आकालमेकमेतद्धि भवमुक्ती न सङ्गते ॥४८५|| .tat punarbhāvikam vā sjādāpavargikam eva vā l : akalam ekam etad dhi bhavamuktī na sangate 1/485|/ This form (supposed to be always exhibited by a soul) must all " the time be either a form natural to the worldly existence or & form natural to mokşa--so that it becomes untenable to say that both the worldly existence and fokșa belong to ove and the same soul. बन्धाच्च भवसंसिद्धिः संबन्धश्चित्रकार्यतः । तस्यैकान्तकभावत्वे न त्वेपोऽप्यनिबन्धनः ॥४८६।। bandhac ca bhavasamsiddhiḥ sambandhaś citrakāryataḥ / tasyaikāntaikabhāvalve na tv eşo'py anibandhanaḥ 1/48611 The worldly existence is due to karmic bondage while the fact that karmic bondage is multifarious is proved from the fact that its effect (viz. worldly experience) is multifarious; but if a soul be possessed of one fised nature even this (i.e. the multifarious character of karmic bondage) remains unaccounted for and hence an impossibility. नृपस्येवाभिधानाद् यः साताबन्धः प्रकीर्त्यते । . अहिशङ्काविपज्ञाताचेतरोऽसौ निरर्थकः ॥४८७।। nşpasyevābhidhānād yaḥ sālābandhaḥ prakīrlyale / ahisarkāvişajñātāc cetaro'sau nirarthakaḥ 1/487|| As for the illustrations of the false sense of pleasure experienced by one who is called (i. e. merely called) a kivg or the false sense of paiu experienced by one who is under the mistaken notion of being bitten by a suake, they serve no purpose (ivasmuch as ereu false notions cannot arise in a soul that is supposed to be absolutely fixed in nature). एवं च योगमार्गोऽपि मुक्तये यः प्रकल्प्यते । सोऽपि निर्विषयत्वेन कल्पनामात्रभद्रकः ॥४८८॥ evam ca jogamārgo'pi muktaye jah prakalpale ! so'pi niroişayatvena kalpanāmālrabhadrakah 1/48811


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