Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 149
________________ MISCELLANEOUS 133 .." . पुत्रदारादिसंसारः पुंसां संमूढचेतसाम् । विदुषां शास्त्रसंसारः सद्योगरहितात्मनाम् ॥५०९॥ putradārādisamsārah pumsām sammūdhacelasām / viduşāṁ sästrasamsārah sadyogarahitālmanaḥ 115091/ . . . . The son, wife etc. constitute (i.e. cause) worldly existence for the ordivary men suffering from Tank delusion, their texts constitute . (i.e. cause) worldly existence for the learned ones not undertaking a proper practice of yoga. कृतमत्र प्रसङ्गेन प्रायेणोक्तं तु वाञ्छितम् । अनेनैवानुसारेण विज्ञेयं शेषमन्यतः ॥५१०॥ kļlam aira prasangena prāvenoklañ tu vāñchitam / ancnaivānusarena vijñcyan seşam anyalah 151011 Enough of digression, we have almost fipished what we had to say. The remaining matters ought to be similarly learut from otber sources. (9-ii) Further Elucidation of the General Conclusion (Self-praise and Criticism of . Others-~~-Mainly of the Non-Dualist) : एवं तु मूलशुद्धयेह योगभेदोपवर्णनम् । चारुमात्रादिसत्पुत्रभेदव्यावर्णनोपमम् ॥५११॥ evaṁ tu mūlašuddhyeha yogabhedopavarṇanam / cārumatradisat putrabhedavyavarnanopamam /1511|| This account of the various species of yoga--an account characterized by a basic purity--is akin to an account of the various features of the noble sons of worthy parents. अन्यद् वान्ध्येयभेदोपवर्णनाकल्पमित्यतः ।। न मूलशुद्धयभावेन भेदसाम्येऽपि वाचिके ॥५१२॥ anyad vāndhyeyabhedo pavarnanākalpam ity ataḥ / na milainddhyablhavena bhedasamye'pi vacike ||512||| ... . Hence.gdifferent account (of yoga), even when its classification is verbally similar to ours, is, on account of lacking a basic purity, not a genuine such account but is akin to an account of the various features .: of the sons of a barren woman. . यथेह पुरुषाद्वैते बद्धमुक्ताविशेषतः । . तदन्याभावनादेव तद् द्वैतेऽपि निरूप्यताम् ॥५१३॥ yatheha puruşādvaite baddhamuktaviseşataḥ / {adanyabhāvanād eva tad dvaite' pi nirūpyatām ||513||”


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