Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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________________ MISCELLANEOUS 103 103 योगाः कायादिकर्माणि जनवादस्तु तत्कथा। शकुनादीनि लिङ्गानि स्वौचित्यालोचनास्पदम् ॥३९१॥ yogāḥ kāyādikarmūņi janavādas tu tatkathā / . Sakunadini lingani svaucityalocanaspadam - 11391|| Of these means of assessing one's capacities the yogas stand for one's bodily and other (i.e. mental and rocal) operations, the talks current among people for what people say about these operations, while 'sigus' stand for the auspicious oneus ete. एकान्तफलदं ज्ञेयमतो धर्मप्रवर्तनम् । अत्यन्तं भावसारत्वात् तत्रैवाप्रतिबन्धतः ॥३९२॥ . ekānta phaladam jñeyam alo dharmapravartanam / atyantan bhavasāratral tatraivapratibandhatah ||39211 The undertaking of a religious performance after having made an assessment of one's cupacities is necessarly fruitful, for this assessment is characterize : by a thorough predominance of poble mental states and because the concerned religious performance faces no hindrance whatsoever. तद्भङ्गादिभयोपेतस्तसिद्धौ चोत्सुको दृढम् । यो धीमानिति सन्न्यायात् स यदौचित्यमीक्षते ॥३९३॥ tadbhangădibhayo petas tatsiddhau cotsuko dụdham / yo dhīmān iti sannyāyāt sa yadaucityam iksale 1/393/ For it seems perfectly logical that an assessment of one's capacities is made (only) by one who is fearful of the likely interruption etc. of the religious performance (sought to be uudertaken), who is extremely eager to bring this performance to a successful completion, who is intelligent. आत्मसंप्रेक्षणं चैव ज्ञेयमारब्धकर्मणि । पापकर्मोदयादत्र भयं तदुपशान्तये ॥३९४॥ विस्रोतोगमने न्याय्यं भयादौ शरणादिवत् । गुर्वाद्याश्रयणं सम्यक ततः स्याद् दुरितक्षयः ॥३९५॥ ātmasamprekṣaṇam caiva jõeyam ārabdhakarnaņi papakarmodayad alra bhajan tadupasantaye //394|| visrologamane nyāyyam bhayādau saraņādirat / gurvādyairayanam samyak talah syād duritaksayan 11395/1 1 Both A and B read °त्तत्रैव प्रतिबंधतः


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