Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 118
________________ 102 YOGABINDU यथाप्रतिज्ञमस्येह कालमानं प्रकीर्तितम् । अतो ह्यकरणेऽप्यत्र भाववृतिं विदुर्बुधाः || ३८७|| yathapratijnam asyeha kālamānaṁ prakırtitam alo hy akarane'py atra bhāvavṛlliṁ vidur budhāḥ ||387|| As for the duration of a japa, it is as much as is vowed by the agent concerned, and it is on account of this vow of his that a man is treated by the wise ones as concentrating his mind on the japa even at that time when he is not actually performing the japa, मुनीन्द्रैः शस्यते तेन यत्नतोऽभिग्रहः शुभः । सदाsतो भावतो धर्मः क्रियाकाले क्रियोद्भवः || ३८८|| munindraiḥ śasyate tena yalnato'bhigrahaḥ śubhaḥ [ sada'lo bhavato dharmaḥ kriyakale kriyodbhavaḥ 11388|| That is why the noble sages have lauded a noble vow diligently sought to be implemented, for a vow of this description always generates such religious merit as results from the harbouring of a noble state of mind while at the time of the actual performance (of the act concerned) it generates such religious merit as results from this performance itself. (2-) As Self-Assessment: स्वौचित्यालोचनं सम्यक् ततो धर्मप्रवर्तनम् । आत्मसंप्रेक्षणं चैव तदेतदपरे जगुः || ३८९ || svaucityalocanam samyak tato dharmapravartanam | almasam prekṣaṇam caiva tad etad apare jaguḥ 11389|| First to make a proper assessment of one's capacities, then to undertake a religious performance, and lastly to institute self-intro. spection-this (set of acts) consititutes adhyatma according to certain others. योगेभ्यो जनवादाच्च लिङ्गेभ्योऽथ यथागमम् । स्वौचित्यालोचनं प्राहुर्योगमार्गकृतश्रमाः ॥ ३९० ॥ yogebhyo janavādāc ca lingebhyo'tha yathagamam | svaucityalocanam prahur yogamargakṛtasramaḥ 1/390|| Those who have laboured hard in the path of Yoga tell us that the assessment of one's capacities might be made by one through three means, viz. the Yogas, the talks current among people, and the signs laid down in the scriptural texts.


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