Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 116
________________ SECTION V MISCELLANEOUS (1) A Recapitulation of Adhyatma and Vxttisamksaya Promised: संक्षेपात् सफलो योग इति संदर्शितो ह्ययम् । आद्यन्तौ तु पुनः स्पष्टं मोऽस्यैव विशेषतः ॥३७९|| samkşepat saphalo yoga iti samdaršito hy ayam / ādyantau tu punaḥ spasļam brūmo'sgaiva višeşataḥ 11379|| Thus we have briefly given an account of Yoga along with its fruit; now we take up for a clearer description its first and last species in particular. (2) Adhyātma Variously Described: तत्वचिन्तनमध्यात्ममौचित्यादियुतस्य तु । उक्तं विचित्रमेतच्च तथावस्थादिभेदतः ॥३८०॥ tallvacintanam adhyātmam aucilyādiyulasya tu / uktam uicitram etac ca tathavasthadibhedatah ||38011 We have described adhyālma as a rational consideration of the essential nature of things on the part of a person who is possessed of the merits like a sense of propriety etc.; now this adhyālma is of different sorts depending on the difference of conditions etc. (2-1) As Japa: आदिकर्मकमाश्रित्य जपो ह्यध्यात्ममुच्यते । . देवतानुग्रहाङ्गत्वादतोऽयमभिधीयते ॥३८१॥ ādikarmakam āśritya japo hy adhyālmam ugyate / devatanugrahangatvad ato'yam abhidhayate ||381|| In the case of one who is novice in the path of ethico-religious performance it is japa (i.e. the muttering. of a benedictory chant addressed to some deity) that is called adhyālma, and this because a ja pa ensures the favour of the deity concerned; so we now offer an account of japa. जपः सन्मन्त्रविषयः स चोक्तो देवतास्तवः । दृष्टः पापापहारोऽस्माद् विषापहरणं यथा ॥३८२।। japaḥ sanmantravişayaḥ sa cokto devatāstavaḥ 1. drstah papapaharo'smad visa paharanam yatha ||38211


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