Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 106
________________ 90 YOGABINDU अतस्तु भावो भावस्य तत्त्वतः संप्रवर्तकः । शिराकूपे पयं इव पयोवृद्धेनियोगतः ॥३४५।। atas tu bhavo bhāvasya tativataḥ sampravarlakaḥ / sirākūpe paya iva pagourddher niyogataḥ 11345// Hence it is the man's' one noble mental state that is really responsible for the rise of another such state, just as it is the water already existing in an urderground source that is responsible for all increase of water in a well dug at the place. निमित्तमुपदेशस्तु पवनादिसमो मतः । अनैकान्तिकभावेन सतामत्रैव वस्तुनि ॥३४६॥ nimittam upadeśas tu pavanūdisamo mataḥ / anaikantikabhävena salām atraiva vastuni 1/346|| In this connection some instruction received from another person acts as but an extraneous cause in the rise of a poble mental state) just as clearing etc. do in the case of the increment of water in a well-thus is the view of the intelligent ones; such instruction taken by itself (i.e. in the absence of an already existing noble mental state) gives rise to 110 noble mental state just as clearing etc. taken by themselves (i. e. in the absence of an underground source of water) cause no increment of water in a well. प्रक्रान्ताद् यदनुष्ठानादौचित्येनोत्तरं भवेत् । तदाश्रित्योपदेशोऽपि ज्ञेयो विध्यादिगोचरः ॥३४७॥ prakrāntad yad anushanad aucityenottaram bhavel / tadastilyo padeso'pi jñeyo vidhyādigocarah 1/347 // When an ethico-religious performance is undertaken with a sense of propriety it becomes imperative that another such performance be undertaken subsequently; and it is in relation to this (series of ethico-religious performances sought to be initiated) that the agent concerned might possibly be instructed concerning the scriptural injunctions etc. (i.e. scriptural injunction and probibitions). प्रकृतेर्वाऽऽनुगुण्येन चित्रः सद्भावसाधनः । गम्भीरोक्त्या मितश्चैव शास्त्राध्ययनपूर्वकः ॥३४८॥ praksler vä" nugun yena citraḥ sadbhāvasādhanaḥ / gambhiroktya mitaś caiva śāstrādhyayanapurvakah 11348|| 1A reads पचनादि° B suggests पवनादि 2. Both A and B read fanito gambhirokiva . ...


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