Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 113
________________ ON CARITRIN Note: This verse makes no mention of the Samyagdrşti and it is in line with the commentator's suggestion that we have bracketed him with the Apunarbandhaka, But as we have remarked earlier, there is also some sense in bracketing the Samyagdrşti with the Caritrin rather than with the Apunarbandhaka. सदावर्तनादीनामतात्त्विक उदाहृतः । प्रत्यपायफलप्रायस्तथावेषादिमात्रतः ॥ ३७० ॥ sakṛd āvartanādīnām atāttvika udahṛtaḥ | pratyapayaphalaprāyas tathāveṣādimātrataḥ ||370|| As practised by a 'once-returner' and the like the species in question are not at all genuine, for in the case of these people they-being characterized by mere externals like (the yogin's) dress etc.--are usually conducive to unfortunate consequences. Note: By once-returner' is meant the person who is experiencing the penultimate pudgalavarta (i.e. the person who will have to complete the current pudgalavarta before entering the last one). Similarly, 'twicereturner' (dviravartana) means the person who will have to complete the current pudgalāvarta and one more before entering the last one. In the same way are to be understood the phrases like 'thrice-returner' (triravartana) etc. चारित्रिणस्तु विज्ञेयः शुद्धयपेक्षो यथोत्तरम् । ध्यानादिरूपो नियमात् तथा तात्त्विक एव तु ॥ ३७१ ॥ caritriņas tu vijñeyaḥ śuddhya pekṣo yathottaram | dhyānādirupo niyamāt tathā tāṭlvika eva tu ||371|| 97 In the case of a Caritrin the species dhyana etc. (i. e. dhyāna, samata and vṛltisamkṣaya) are necessarily genuine, they being here dependent on an ever-increasing purity. अस्यैव त्वनपायस्य सानुबन्धस्तथा स्मृतः । 'यथोदितक्रमेणैव सापायस्य तथाऽपरः || ३७२॥ asyaiva tv anapayasya sānubandhas tatha smṛtaḥ | yathoditakrameṇaiva sāpāyasya tathā' paraḥ ||372|| The practice (of the various species of Yoga by the various classes of people) as described above is continuous in the case of a man free from apaya (lit. an unfortunate circumstance) and it is not continuous in the case of one possessed of apaya. अपायमाहुः कर्मैव निरपायाः पुरातनम् । • पापाशयकरं चित्रं निरुपक्रमसंज्ञकम् ॥ ३७३ ॥


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