उभयोरतत्स्वभावत्वे तत्तत्कालाद्यपेक्षया । बाध्यबाधकभावः स्यात् सम्यग्न्यायाविरोधतः ॥३२९।। ubhayos talsvabhāvalve tatlatkālādyapekṣayā /
būdhyablādhakabhāvaḥ syāt samyag nyāyāvirodhataḥ /1329|| If it be a part of the respective patures of fate and perseverance that they can possibly apsihilate one another, then to say that 0110 of them andibilates the otber depending on particular time etc. does not at all go agaiust the canons of sound logic.
तथा च तत्स्वभावत्वनियमात् कर्तृ-कर्मणोः । फलभावोऽन्यथा तु स्यान्न काङ्कटपाकवत् ॥३३०॥ tathā ca tatsvabhāvatvaniyamāt karış-karmanoḥ /
phalabhāvo'nyathā tu syān na kāňkațupākavat 1/3301/ As a matter of fact, an operation (e. g. annihilatiop) is successfully brought about only because of it being a part of the respective nature of the concerned agent and the concerned object that they will successfully bring about this operatiop; when that is not the case the operation is not brought about successfully, e.g. the petrified grain is incapable of being boiled (in spite of the best exertions of the cook).
कर्मानियतभावं तु यत् स्याच्चित्रं फलं प्रति । तद् वाध्यमत्र दादिप्रतिमायोग्यतासमम् ॥३३१॥ karmāniyatabhāvañ tu yat syāc citraň phalam prati /
tad badhyam atra dārvādipratimāyogyatāsamam /331|| That type of karma regarding which it is not necessary that it must bring about a particular one from among its many possible results is Treated as liable to annihilation (by perseverance); in this respect karma (to be annihilated by perseverance) is comparable to the capacity of a wooden piece etc. to turn into a statue (a capacity which is annihitated when the statue is actually cut out).
नियमात् प्रतिमा नात्र न चातोऽयोग्यतैव हि । तल्लक्षणनियोगेन प्रतिमेवास्य बाधकः ॥३३२॥ niyamat pratima nātra na calo-yogyataiva hi /
tallakşaņaniyogena pratimevāsya badhakaḥ 1/332// A wooden piece does not necessarily turn into a statue and yet we cannot say that it is incapable of turping into statue, for to say that will mean going against the current definition of 'incapacity'; and perseverance anihilates karma just as the statue apnibilates the wooden piece's capacity to turn into a statue,