Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 100
________________ YOGABINDÜ . . From the definititve standpoint the above is how fate and perseverance have been described by those who are conversant with the nature of things; from the practical standpoint, however, the two have been said to depend on one another and (hence) to .colour the nature of one another. न भवस्थस्य यत् कर्म विना व्यापारसंभवः । न च व्यापारशून्यस्य फलं स्यात् कर्मणोऽपि हि ।।३२१॥ na bhavasthasya yat karma vină vyāpārasambhavaḥ / na ca vyāpārašūnyasya phalan yat karmaņo' pi hi |/321|| For the man suffering from worldly existence cannot undertake an operation unless some accumulated karma is there at his disposal, 001 can an accumulated karma of bis yield fruit unless he undertakes some operation. व्यापारमात्रात् फलदं निष्फलं महतोऽपि च । अतो यत् कर्म तद् दैवं चित्रं ज्ञेयं हिताहितम् ॥३२२॥ vyāpāramātrāt phaladań nisphalam mahato' pi ca ! ato yat karma tad daivas citraṁ jñeyam hitahitam //322|| Sometimes a man is rewarded with success on undertaking but a slight operation while at other times he remains unsuccessful even after undertaking an immense operation; from this we are to conclude that oue's fate is but one's multifarious stock of good and evil karmas (accumulated as a result of past good and evil deeds). एवं पुरुषकारस्तु व्यापारवहुलस्तथा । फलहेतुर्नियोगेन ज्ञेयो जन्मान्तरेऽपि हि ॥३२३।। evam puruşakäras tu vyāpārabahulas tatha / phalahetur niyogena jñeyo janmāntare'pi hi 1/323|| Similarly, perseverance is characterized by a preponderance of operation (over karma) and it definitely goes to produce fruit even in a future birth --this in case the fruits due to it are not all forthcoming in the present birth). अन्योन्यसंश्रयावेवं द्वावप्येतौ विचक्षणैः । उक्तावन्यैस्तु कर्मैव केवलं कालभेदतः ॥३२४॥ anyonyasamśrayão evaṁ dvāv apy etau vicakşanaiḥ / uktav anyais tu karmaiva kedalam kalabhedataḥ //3241/ The wise men have thus posited both fate and perseverance as dependent on each orther; but certain other people maintain that karma (i.e. fate) alone, depending on the difference of time, is competent (to yield fruit).


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