Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 77
________________ ON APUNARBANDHAKA By the successfull completion of an operation is meant such a completion of it as proves to be au efficacious seed for a further operation similarly completed; for otherwise the completion in question would pot be an absolute case of successful completion inasmuch as the result achieved thereby would be liable to degenerate. सिद्धचन्तरं न संधत्ते या साऽवश्यं पतत्यतः । तच्छक्त्याऽप्यनुविद्धव पातोऽसौ तत्त्वतो मतः ॥२३४॥ siddhyantaran na sandhatte ja sā'vaśyan pataly alaḥ / tacchakijā'pyanuviddhaira pālo'sau tattvalo mataḥ 1/234|| • A successfal completion of operation which does not lead to a further operation similarly completed must suffer from degeneration; for the mere fact that the completion in question is liable to degeneration reduces it to a virtual case of degeneration itself. सिद्धयन्तराङ्गसंयोगात् साध्वी चैकान्तिको भृशम् । आत्मादिप्रत्ययोपेता तदेपा नियमेन तु ॥२३५॥ siddhiyanlarūngasanyogāt sūdhuž caikāntikī bhrsam 1 ālmādipratyayopetā tad esā niyamena tu 1/235|| The successful completion of an operation is perfect extremely and in an absolute fashion when this completiou brings into existence factors that make possible another operation similarly completed; it is this type of completion which is invariably accompanied by the 'feeling of ascertaivment' derived from self-introspection etc. .. न ह्युपायान्तरोपेयमुपायान्तरतोऽपि हि । हाठिकानामपि यतस्तत्प्रत्ययपरो भवेत् ॥२३६॥ 'na hy upājāntaropeyam upāyānlarato’pi hi / hathikānāni api yatas talpratyayaparo bhavet 1/2361/ Since not even a highly adamant person can produce a thing even through ineans that are different from what are the specific means for producing this thing one must diligently seek to acquire the 'feeling of ascertainment' (which is the specific means for successfully practising Yoga). पठितः सिद्धिदूतोऽयं प्रत्ययो ह्यत एव हि । सिद्धिहस्तावलम्बश्च तथाऽन्यैमुख्ययोगिभिः ॥२३७॥ pathitaḥ siddhidīto'yam pratyayo hy ata eva hi / siddhihastävalambas ca tatla'nyair mukhyayogibnih 11237||


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