Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 91
________________ ON SAMYAGDRŞTİ therefore, on account of his typical way of traversing the path of mokşa he reflects in various ways (aud as follows). " मोहान्धकारगहने संसारे दुःखिता बत । सत्त्वाः परिभ्रमन्त्युच्चैः सत्यस्मिन् धर्मतेजसि ॥ २८५ ॥ mohandhakaragahane samsäre duḥkhita bata | sattvāh paribhramanty uccaih saly asmin dharmatejasi //285/1 6 "Beings suffering from pain are undergoing cycles after cycles of worldly existence rendered formidable by the deep darkness of delusion, and this at a time when this all-powerfull light of religion is there to be availed of. अहमेतानतः कृच्छ्राद् यथायोगं कथञ्चन । अनेनोत्तारयामीति वरबोधिसमन्वितः ॥ २८६ ॥ " aham etan ataḥ kṛcchrad yathayogam kathañcana | anenottārayāmiti varabodhisamanvitah |[286]] "3 (7) The Three Types of Bhinnagranthis: करुणादिगुणोपेतः परार्थव्यसनी सदा ! With the suitable help of this (Irmp of religion ) I, who am in possession of right understanding, will somehow take these people out of these difficult conditions in which they are finding themselves." 76 तथैव चेष्टते घीमान् वर्धमानमहोदयः ||२८७|| karunadigunopetaḥ parārthavyasanī sadā | tathaiva cestate dhimān vārdhāmānamahodayah 1128711 And this intelligent man who is possessed of the noble traits of character like compassion etc., who is fond of doing good to others, whose spiritual qualifications are ever increasing always acts accordingly (i.e. as befits his spiritual qualifications). तत्तत्कल्याणयोगेन कुर्वन् सत्त्वार्थमेव सः । तीर्थकृत्त्वमवाप्नोति परं सत्त्वार्थसाधनम् ॥२८८॥ tattatkalyanayogena kurvan sattvartham eva saḥ | trthakšttvam avāpnoti param. sattvārthasādhanam || 28811 Thus doing good to others by bestowing various henefits on them this man eventually acquires the status of a Tirthankara, a status which is the supreme means of doing good to others. चिन्तयत्येवमेवैतत् स्वजनादिगतं तु यः । तथानुष्ठानतः सोऽपि धीमान् गणधरो भवेत् ॥ २८९ ॥ cintayaly evam evaitat svajanadigatam tu yaḥ tathānusthānatah so 'pi dhaman ganadharo bhavet 1128911


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