Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 97
________________ ON SAMYAGDRSTI 81 . (10.iii) Endorsement.cum.Criticism of Kalalite : .... . . ... साधु चैतद् यतो नीत्या शास्त्रमत्र प्रवर्तकम् । .. तथामिधानभेदास् तु भेदः कुचितिकाग्रहः ॥३०८॥ sādhu caitad gato nītya śāstram atra, pravartakam / tathabhidhanabhedat tu bhedah kucitikagrahah //308|| ..All this is well said, for in these matters the scriptures alone are a proper guide to action (inasmuch as they enable us to fathom the real import of the theses upheld by different schools); and in this connection to treat as real differences what are but verbal ones amounts to partisan wrangling. . विपश्चितां न युक्तोऽयमैदंपर्यप्रिया हि ते । यथोक्तास्तत्पुनश्चारु हन्तात्रापि निरूप्यताम् ॥३.०९॥ vipaścitām na yuktoʻyam aidamparyapriya hi te / pathoktās tat punaś cāru hantātrāpi nirūpyatām 1/3091/ To indulge in partisan wrangling is not proper on the part of wise men, for, as has been explained earlier, they attach value only to the ultimate import (of the apparently divergent theses); but then let us try to examine closely the statement of Kālātīta himself. उभयोः परिणामित्वं तथाभ्युपगमाद् ध्रुवम् । अनुग्रहात् प्रवृत्तेश्च तथाद्धाभेदतः स्थितम् ॥३१०॥ . ubhayoḥ pariņāmitvam tathābhyupagamād dhruvam / . . . anugrahat pravrttes ca tathaddhabhedatah sthitam /131011 ..On his (i.e. Kālātīta's) own admission both (i.e. God as well as prakyli--and not prakrti alone) definitely prove to be entities that undergo a change, for one (i. e. God) is said to grant favour and the other (i.e. praksti) to undertake operations depending on the difference of time. सर्वेषां तत्स्वभावत्वात् तदेतदुपपद्यते । नान्यथाऽतिप्रसङ्गेन सूक्ष्मबुद्धया निरूप्यताम् ॥३११॥ sarveşāin laisvabhāvatvād tad etad upapadyate / nänyathāti prasangena sūkşmabuddhyā nirūpyatām 11311|| All this makes sense only in case the entities in questiou (i.e. God and prakti--as also the individual. souls) are each possessed of an · appropriate nature, for otherwise there arise undesirable contingencies-- this aspect of the problem should be thought out attentively.


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