Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 83
________________ ON SAMYAGDRSTI 01: . . ... preachers; this difference in the intensity of the desires in question) is due to the nature of wbat causes desire in the two cases. तुच्छं च तुच्छनिलयप्रतिबद्धं च तद् यतः । गेयं जिनोक्तिस्त्रैलोक्यभोगसंसिद्धिसंगता ॥२५५|| tucchaṁ ca tucchanilayapratibaddhaṁ ca tad yataḥ / geyam jinoktis trailokyabhogasamsiddhisangata ||255|| • A song is something petty by itself and it relates to a • subject matter that too is something petty; the utterance of a great religious preacher, on the contrary, makes possible the attainment of the rulership of all the three regions of the universe as also the attainment of mokşa.. हेतुभेदो महानेवमनयोर्यद् व्यवस्थितः । चरमात् तद् युज्यतेऽत्यन्तं भावातिशययोगतः ॥२५६॥ hetubhedo mahān evam anayor yad vyavasthitaḥ / caramāt tad yujyate’tyantañ bhāvāliśayayogataḥ 1/256|| Since there is thus a great difference between the causes of the two desires in question it is understandable why the latter o causes (i.e. the utterance of a great religious preacher) should prod an extremely intense desire, it being accompanied by the noble feeling that the object concerned is highly fit to be aspired after. (2.ii) His Allachment for Religious Performances... धर्मरागोऽधिकोऽस्यैवं भोगिनः स्त्र्यादिरागतः । .. भावतः कर्मसामर्थ्यात् प्रवृत्तिस्त्वन्यथाऽपि हि ॥२५७॥ dharmarāgo'dhiko'syaivam bhoginaḥ stryādirāgataḥ / bhävataḥ karmasāmarthyat pravýttis tv anyathā'pi hi 1/257|| This man's attachment for religion is thus more intense than that . of a worldly pleasure-seeker for wonien etc.; this so far as his mental inclination is concerned, for owning to the influence of his past (evil) karmas he may act even otherwise (i.e. in a manner not sanctioned by religion). . न चैवं तत्र नो राग इति युक्त्योपपद्यते । हविःपूर्णप्रियो विप्रो भुङ्क्ते यत् पूयिकाद्यपि ॥२५८ । na caivan tatra no rāga ili yuktyopapadyate | haviḥpūrnapriyo vipro bhunkte pat pūyikādy api 1/2581/ 1. Both A and Bread निलयाप्रतिवद्धं.


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