Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 52
________________ YOGABÍNDU Those who have performed penance in plenty (and hence are an authority on the subject) apply epithet mṛtyughna to that fasting for a month which is accompanied by the muttering of the chant called mṛtyunjaya (lit. death-conquering) and is pure on account of the due procedure having been followed. 36 पापसूदनमध्येवं तत्तत्पापाद्यपेक्षया । चित्रमन्त्रजपप्रायं प्रत्यापत्तिविशोधितम् ॥ १३५ ॥ papasūdanam apy evaṁ tatlatpapadya pekṣayā | citramantraja paprayam pratyapattiviśodhitam //135|| The same is the case with the type of penance called papasūdana (i.e. it too is pure on account of the due procedure having been followed) a type which is characterized by a frequent muttering of the various chants corresponding to the various sins sought to be expiated and is rendered pure by an abhorrence of the things occasioning sin. (8-iv) Non-Antipathy towards Mokṣa: कृत्स्नकर्मक्षयान्मुक्तिर्भोगसेशवर्जिता । भवाभिनन्दिनामस्यां द्वेपोऽज्ञाननिबंधनः ॥ १३६॥ kṛtsnakarmakṣayān muktir bhogasankleśavarjitā | bhavabhinandinām asyām dveṣo'jñānanibandhanaḥ //136|| Mokşa is attained when karmas are destroyed in their entirety and it is free from the affliction of the form of (attachment for) sensuous enjoyment; however, the 'welcomers of the worldly existence' develop antipathy towards it out of ignorance. थूयन्ते चैतदालापा लोके तावदशोभनाः । शास्त्रेष्वपि हि मूढानामश्रोतव्याः सदा सताम् ॥१३७॥ śruyante caitad alāpā loke tāvad aŝobhanāḥ | sastreso api hi mūḍhānām asrotavyāḥ sadā satām ||137|| In our daily experience as also in the Scriptural texts we come across nasty statements to this effect (i. e. statements expressing the speaker's antipathy towards mokṣa) made by foolish statements never to be paid heed by noble souls. persons, the वरं वृन्दावने रम्ये क्रोष्टुत्वमभिवाञ्छितम् । न त्वेवाविपयो मोक्षः कदाचिदपि गौतम ॥ १३८॥ varam vṛndāvane ramye krostutvam abhivāñchitam | na tv evaviṣayo mokṣaḥ kadacid api gautama 1/138|| 1 A reads °विशेषितम्


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