Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 74
________________ 58 YOGABINDU (5-) The Dependence on Right Scriptural Texts: परलोकविधौ शास्त्रात् प्रायो नान्यदपेक्षते । आसन्नभयो मतिमान् श्रद्वाधनसमन्वितः ||२२१|| paralokavidhau sāstrāt prāyo nanyad apekşate asannabhavyo malimän śraddhādhanasamanvitaḥ ]/221/] So far as matters pertaining to the world beyond are concerned almost nothing except the scriptural texts is relied on by the man who is entitled to attain mokşa rather soon, is intelligent and bas stocked the wealth of (religious) faith. उपदेशं विनाऽप्यर्थकामौ प्रति पटुर्जनः । धर्मस्तु न विना शास्त्रादिति तत्रादरो हितः ॥ २२२॥ upadesam vina' py arthakāmau prati patur janaḥ | dharmas tu na vinā śāstrād iti tatrādaro hitaḥ ||222}| Even without being instructed by others a man can acquire the skill necessary for earning money and sensuous pleasure, but (the skill necessary for following the path of) religion cannot be acquired without the help rendered by the scriptural texts--this is why it is in one's best interests to pay regardful attention to the scriptural texts. अर्थादावविधानेऽपि तदभावः परं नृणाम् । धर्मेऽविधानतोऽनर्थः क्रियोदाहरणात् परः ॥२२३॥ arthaadav avidhāne'pi tadabhavaḥ param nṛṇām dharme'vidhānato'narthaḥ kriyodaharaṇāt paraḥ //223|| a If a man does not endeavour to earn money etc. he will only be suffering from a lack of these money etc,, but the non-performance of religious duties is positively conducive to a great spiritual disasterphenomenon to be understood on the apt analogy of one reported by medical science (according to which the refrainment from taking medicine leads to an aggravation of ailment). तस्मात् सदैव धर्मार्थी शास्त्रयत्नः प्रशस्यते । लोके मोहान्धकारेऽस्मिन् शास्त्रालोकः प्रवर्तकः ॥२२४॥ tasmat sadaiva dharmarthi sastrayalnaḥ prasasyate | loke mohāndhakāre'smin śāstrālokaḥ pravartakaḥ 1/2241] This is why praise is always bestowed on the man who is desirous of fulfilling his religious obligations and who holds the scriptural texts in reverence; for in this world where the darkness of delusion is widespread light (in the form of enlightenment) provided by the scriptural texts is to act as our guide.


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