Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 59
________________ INTRODUCTORY 43. यतो विशिष्टः कर्ताऽयं तदन्येभ्यो नियोगतः । तद्योगयोग्यताभेदादिति सम्यग्विचिन्त्यताम् ॥१६२॥ jalo višistaḥ karta’yam tadanyebhyo niyogataḥ / tadyngayogyatābl;edād'iti samyag vicintyatām 1116211 For this agent (i.e, one. experiencing the last pudgalāvarta) is necessarily distinct from others (i.e. from those experiericing a pudgalāvarta earlier than the last one ) on account of his specific capacity for performing loga--this bas to be properly pondered over. i ajaa TOT HET HETCHAT: 1 सहजाल्पमलत्वं तु युक्तिरत्र पुरोदिता ॥१६३॥ : caturtham etat prāyena jñeyam asya mahātmanaḥ 1 . sahajā pamalatvaṁ tu puktir atra purodita 1/163|| . Of this noble soul (i. e. of one experiencing the last pudgalāvarta ) the ethico-religious performances usually belong to the fourth of the above-described types (i.e. to the lad-helu type ), and for this the reason has already been stated, viz. that the corcerned soul's natural defilement (i.e: its capazity to attract karmic matter) has been rendered meagre. . . (10) The Worldly Bondage Accounted For: सहजं तु मलं विद्यात् कर्मसंवन्धयोग्यताम् । आत्मनोऽनादिमत्त्वेऽपि नायमेनां विना यतः ॥१६४॥ sahaja tu malam vidyāt karmasambandhayogyatām / ālmano'nādimative pi nāyam enām vină galaḥ 1/164//; ": By a sou!'s 'patural defilemeut' is to be understood its capacity to get karmas connected with itself; for unless this capacity is posited the convection in quesiton, even if conceived as beginningless, will remain unaccounted for. . . 7afferrafa aq aparei arrada i ... Trigrama tarifi Hàskarashenar. 118€411 " anādimānam api hy eșa bandhatvam nālivartate / goggalām antareņāpi bhāve'syāti prasangalā ||165) Even if beginningless the connection in question is after all a connection (ie something brought about as a result of an activity on the part of the parties concerned); certainly, undesirable contingencies are bound to arise if it be maintained that the connection is question comes into beivg without there residing a corresponding capacity in the parties concerned. PALES CUCC


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