Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 47
________________ INTRODUCTORY 31 त्यागश्च तदनिष्टानां तदिष्टेषु प्रवर्तनम् । औचित्येन त्विदं ज्ञेयं प्राहुर्धर्माद्यपीडया ॥११॥ तदासनाद्यमोगश्च तीर्थे तद्वित्तयोजनम् । तविम्बन्याससंस्कार ऊर्ध्वदेह क्रिया परा ॥११५॥ pūjanaṁ cāsya vijñeyam trisandhyam namanakriya/ lasyānavasare'py uccais celasy āro pilasya tu 11111|| abhyutthānādiyogaś ca tadante nibhşlāsanam/ nāmagrahaś ca nästhāne nāvarnaśravanaí kvacit||11211 sārāņāṁ ca yathāśakli vastrādīnūî nivedanam/ paralokakriyāṇāṁ ca kāraṇar tena sarvadā||11311 tyāgaś ca tadanistānāin tadisteșu pravartanam aucityena tv idam jñejam prahur dharmadyapīdayā)/114! tadāsanadyabhogaś ca tīrthe tadvittayojanam/ tadbimbanyāsasamskāra īrdhvadehakriyā parā||115/ And by 'worsbip of the elders' is to be understood the act of bowing to these elders thrice a day-i.e. in the morning, doon and evening-and if that is percbance not possible bowiug to them after duly calling them to mind (111). Again, this worship comprises that act of rising up etc. done in the honour of these elders, to sit.silently (i.e. without being vocal) in their presence, not to utter their pame at an improper place, never to listen to the thiugs said against them (112), to offer themaccording to one's capacity--the best sort of clothes etc., always to enable them to undertake auspicious performances that would yield them result in the world beyond (113), to give up practices that are not to their liking and to undertake those that are though these two attitudes should be kept within the the bounds of propriety by not letting them come in conflict with the deniands of religion etc. (114), not to use their Seating material etc., to dedicate their valuables to some pilgrimage-centre (like temple etc), to set up their portraits aud furnish them to the accompaniment of due ceremonies (or to furnish to the accompaniment of due cerenionies tbe portraits of deities set up by tbem), to perform their funerary rites most appropriately (i.e. most reverentially) (115). पुष्पैश्च वलिना चैव वस्त्रैः स्तोत्रैश्च शोभनैः । देवानां पूजनं ज्ञेयं शौचश्रद्धासमन्वितम् ॥११६॥ अविशेपेण सर्वेषांमधिमुक्तिवशेन वा । गृहिणां माननीया यत्सर्वे देवा महात्मनाम् ॥११७॥ !: A reads तदनिष्ठानां


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