Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 46
________________ YOGABINDU तुल्य एव तथा सर्गः सर्वेषां संप्रसज्यते । ब्रह्मादिस्तंवपर्यन्त एवं मुक्तिः ससाधना ॥१०८|| lulja era tatha sargaḥ sarreșām samprasajyale/ brahmadistamba paranta ecam muktiḥ sasādhanal|1081/ ' Moreover, in that case there will arise the contingency of granting that the entire creation from the Branman's region down to the nether. most one is the sanie for all creatures (i.e. tbis creation affects all creatures in the same fashion) and that mokşa along with the means for realizing it is likewise the same for tbem all (i e. all creatures will attoiv mokşa identicaliy and tbrougb identical means). (8) The 'Preliminary Performance': पूर्वसेवा तु तन्त्र गुरुदेवादिपूजनम् । सदाचारस्तपो मुक्चद्वेषश्चेह प्रकीर्तिता ॥१०९|| pūrvaserā tu tantrajñair guruderādipūjanam! sadacaras tapo muklyadresas ca prakirtita//10911 In this connection the experts on scriptural matters have declared the following to be the constituent elements of 'preliminars performance: (i) worsbip of the elders, deities etc., (ii) gentlemanly conduct, (iii) penance, (iv) non-antipathy towards moksa. (8-i) Worship of the Elders, Deities, etc. माता पिता कलाचार्य एतेषां ज्ञातयत्तथा । . वृद्धा धर्मोपदेप्टारो गुरुवर्गः सतां मतः ॥११०॥ māla pila kalācārya eleşām jñālajas tathā| orddha dharmopadestaro guruvargah salam matah//11011 By 'elders' the cultured people understand the following group cf personages: mother, father, the teacher of an art, the relatives of these mother etc., the aged ones, the preachers of religion. पूजनं चास्य विज्ञेयं त्रिसंध्यं नमनक्रिया । तस्यानवसरेऽप्युच्चैश्चेतस्यारोपितस्य तु ॥१११॥ अभ्युत्थानादियोगश्च तदन्ते निभृतासनम् । नामग्रहश्च नास्थाने नावर्णश्रवणं कचित् ॥११२॥ साराणां च यथाशक्ति वस्त्रादीनां निवेदनम् । परलोकक्रियाणां च कारणं तेन सर्वदा ॥११३॥


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