Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 37
________________ INTRODUCTORY प्रदीर्घभवसद्भावान्मालिन्यातिशयात् तथा । .. अतत्त्वाभिनिवेशाच्च नान्येवन्यस्य जाचित् ॥७३॥ pradirghabhāvasadbhāvān malinyātiśayāl talha / alallvābhinivesāc ca nānyeșu anyasya jalucit 117311 A person who is not experiencivg the later half of the last pudgalāvarla and who does not satisfy the above description (i.e. who is not a bhinnagranthi as well as a Caritrin) canno: aquire adhyātma because he has yet to undergo an extremely long course of worldly existence, because the defilement vitiating his nature is rather wassive, because he is firmly stuck to wrong notions as to the nature of things. अनादिरेष संसारो नानागतिसमाश्रयः । पुद्गलानां परावर्ता अत्रानन्तास्तथा गताः ॥७४॥ सर्वेषामेवः सत्त्वानां तत्स्वाभाव्यनियोगतः । नान्यथा संविदेतेषां सूक्ष्मवुद्धया विभाव्यताम् ॥७५॥ anadir eşa saṁsāro nānāgatisamāśrayah / pudgalanaim paravarla atranantas tatha gatah //74|| sarveşām cva sallvānāṁ talsvābhävyaniyogalah / "nānyatha samvid eleşām sūksmabuddhyā vibhāvyatām |75|| In the case of each and every soul the course of worldly existence has been beginningless-a course during which there has taken place birth in the form of numerous species-,and here there have occurred an er of pudgalāvatras; now all this has been due to the very : of the soul concerned. If that be not so ( i.e. if what happens to a soul does not do so due to its very nature) phenomenon of a soul experiencing pudgalāvairas remains unaccounted for. This inatter has to be pondered over attentively. यादृच्छिकं न यत्कार्य कदाचिज्जायते कचित् । सत्त्वपुद्गलयोगश्च तथा कार्यमिति स्थितम् ॥७६॥ pādịcchikam na yat kāryam kadācij jāyate kuacit | sattva-pudgalayogas ca tathalaryam iti sthitam /17611 An effect cannot come into existence accidentally while the connection of a soul with matter is an effect; from this follows our thesis (viz. that the course of worldly esistence undergone by a soul is due to its : very nature). चित्रस्यास्य तथाभावे तत्स्वाभाव्याहते परः । न कश्चिद्धेतुरेवं च तदेव हि तथेण्यताम् ॥७७|| citrasyāsya tathābhāve tatsvābhāvyād ste, paraḥ| na. kascid dhetur evam ca tad eva hi tathes yatan //771/


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