Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 36
________________ 20 YOGABINDU .. मुक्त्वाऽतो वादसंघट्टमध्यात्ममनुचिन्त्यताम् । नाविधूते तमस्कन्धे ज्ञेये ज्ञानं प्रवर्तते ॥६९॥ muktvā’to vādasanghatļam adhyālmam anucintyalām / nāvidhūte tamaskandhe jūrye jñānañ pravarlate 116911 Hence taking leave of polemical skirmishes one should constantly think of adhyālma; for you cannot know a knowable unless the concentrated layers of darkness ( dominating the scene ) are first cleared off. सदुपायाद् यथैवाप्तिरुपेयस्य तथैव हि । . नेतरस्मादिति प्राज्ञः सदुपायपरो भवेत् ॥७०॥ sadu pājād zathaivāplir upeyasya tathaiva hi / netarasmad iti prajñaḥ sadu pāya paro bhavet //7011 By employing improper means one does not achieve one's aim so well as one by employing proper opes; the intelligent man should therefor see to it that he always takes recourse to proper means. सदुपायश्च नाध्यात्मादन्यः संदर्शितो बुधैः । दुरापं किंत्वदोऽपीह भवाब्धौ सुष्टु देहिनाम् ॥७१॥ sadupāyaś ca nadhyālmad anyaḥ sandaršito budhaiḥ / durāpam kintu ado' piha bharābdhau susthu dehinām ||711 Now the wise men have demonstrated that the proper means in our case (i. e. the proper means for realizing the true nature of things ) is nothing else than adhyātma; but in the ocean of worldly existence . even this adhyālma is pretty difficult for people to acquire. .. (6) The Possibility of Attaining Adbyātma only in the Last Padgulā... i , varta: चरमे पुद्गलावर्ते यतो यः शुक्लपाक्षिकः । भिन्नग्रन्थिश्चरित्री च तस्यैवैतदुदाहृतम् ॥७२॥ carame pudgalāvarte yato yah śuklapakşikah / bhinnagranthis caritri ca tasyaitaitad udahslam /172/1 . For we are told that adhyālma can be acquired only by a person who is experiencing the bright (i.e. later) half of the last pudgalavarta and who is a bhinnagranthi as well as a caritrin (i.e. Cäritrin). Note : As we shall learn later on, a Saniyagdrsti is a bhinnagranthi but not a Caritrin while an Apunarbandhaka is neither a bhinnagranthi nor a Caritrin - so that Haribhadra is here saying that the practice of adhyālma is possible peither on the part of an Apunarbandhaka nor on that of Samyagd si but only on that of a Caritrin,


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