Book Title: Yogabindu
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 34
________________ YOGABINDU Even in the case of those latter persons (i.e. of persons coming from the same place ) it might happen that on account of delusion or of possession by a ghost each and every one of them fails to recall the details of the events earlier experienced by him ( at the place in question). सामान्येन तु सर्वेषां स्तनवृत्त्यादिचिह्नितम् ।। अभ्यासातिशयात् स्वप्नवृत्तितुल्यं व्यवस्थितम् ॥६१॥ šāmānjena tu sardeşās stanavstlyādicihnitam / abhyāsāliśayāt svapnav;ltitulyan vyavasthilam 1/611) So far as a general (as contrasted to detailed ) recall of a past life is concerned it manifests itself in the case of each and every person in the from of his motion (when he is a just-born babe ) towards the mother's breast and of similar acts; these acts take place on account of a past performance repeated great many times just as dream-experiences do. स्वप्ने वृत्तिस्तथाभ्यासाद् विशिष्टस्मृतिवर्जिता। जाग्रतोऽपि कचित् सिद्धा सूक्ष्मवुद्धचा निरूप्यताम् ॥१२॥ sva pre výttis tathābhyāsād visisțasmȚlivarjita / . jāgrato?pi kvacit siddhā sūkşmabuddhyā nirūpyatām 1/62|| , Even in the case of a dream-experience it sometimes happens that we do not have a clear memory of this experience at a later time, this absence of memory being due to the (weak) nature of repetition concer. ged.; Bay, even in waking state such ideas sometimes occur to us (as are not followed by a clear memory of themselves at a later time). A11 these matters should be carefully pondered over. श्रूयन्ते च महात्मान एते दृश्यन्त इत्यपि । क्वचित् संवादिनस्तस्मादात्मादेर्हन्त ! निश्चयः ॥६३॥ śrūyante ca mahātmāna ete dņśyanta ily api / kvacit samvādinas tasmad ālmāder hanta niscayaḥ 116311 Again, we bear of and at places directly come across - such noble souls as provide us with corroborative evidence on the question of the recall of past life ); on the basis of tbat evidence (too) we ought to become certain as to the existence of soul etc. एवं च तत्त्वसंसिद्धयोग एव निबन्धनम् । अहो यन्निश्चितैवेयं नान्यतस्त्वीदृशी कचित् ॥६॥ evam ca tattvasamsiddher yoga eva nibandhanam / ato yanniścilaivegam nānyatas to idğś7 kvacit (/64/1


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