epilogue the verses appear to have been composed, from Nêryộsang's Pâzand-Sanskrit text, by the priest Hormazyår and his son Dârâb, the latter being the actual writer, and the former being a son of Farâmruz', son of Qavâmu-ddîn, son of Kaî-Qubad, son of Hamkârapadam of Sangân, of the family of the priest Nêryôsang Dhaval. The work was commenced on the 7th November 1676, new style, and completed in thirty-five days; and the copy in B29 was finished on the 21st November 1679, new style. The order of the subjects discussed in this metrical version differs, in some respects, from that followed in the prose texts, and the 1060 couplets of extant text represent only forty chapters of the work, though several of the others were, no doubt, represented in the missing couplets. Another copy of this later metrical version appears to exist in pp. 231-248 of No. 12 of Anquetil's Collection in the National Library at Paris.
Of the Pâzand text of the Mainyô-i Khard, Chaps. LVII, XXVII, LXII, I, 51-61, VII, 9-12 have been published, with German translations, by Professor Spiegel, in his 'Grammatik der pârsi Sprache,' pp. 128–155, 161-173, 185, 186, 188, 189. He has also published German translations of Chaps. II, 110–193, VIII, XXXVII, XLII in his 'Traditionelle Literatur der Parsen,' pp. 138-144, 147-150. And the complete Pâzand-Sanskrit texts, with an English translation, Pazand glossary and grammar, were published by the present translator in 1871. Since that date the original Pahlavi text of the Dînâ-i Maînôg-î Khirad has been discovered, from which the present translation has been made.
In connection with this account of the various versions of the 'Opinions of the Spirit of Wisdom,' it should be noticed that an abridgement of the work also exists in Persian prose, and is called the 'Other Mînôkhirad.' A copy of this abridgement is contained in fols. 71-78 of MH7 (described above), and consists of a very free Persian translation of the Pâzand texts of Chaps. I, 14–II, 64, III-VII, XIV, XV,
* A variation of this pedigree is quoted in p. xlii.
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