them are egg-like (khâiyak-dis), just as it were ? like the egg of a bird. 9. The sky is arranged above the earth 3, like an egg, by the handiwork of the creator Adharmazd; (10) and the semblance of the earth, in the midst of the sky , is just like as it were the yolk amid the egg; [(11) and the water within the earth and sky is such as the water within the egg.]"
12. “And the flow of the water of every kind which is in the world is from the region of Arzah 6 (13) there where the sun comes up?; and its downward surge (nigun bâlisno) is towards the region of Savah (14) where the sun goes down; and the
L19 has 'within the sky.' 2 L19 has are so arranged as. The reading of dis, 'like,' is rather uncertain.
8 L19 adds and below the earth.' • L19 has and the earth within the sky.' oşun is taken from PB6, but is not found in any other Pâzand or Pârsî MS. consulted, nor in the Pahlavi text of K43; it is, therefore, probably an interpolation.
6 See Chap. XVI, 10 n.
? This clause and the corresponding one in § 14 seem to be at variance with the statements of Bd. V, 8, XI, 3, that Arzah is in the west, and Savah in the east; Nêryôsang has, therefore, transferred the conjunction and to the beginning of the section in both cases, so as to make the eastern waters flow towards Savah, and the western waters into the sea. If, however, we understand 'there' to mean 'in those places,' and not to refer to the region whose name it follows, we may conclude that the statement here is to the effect that in the east the water flows from Arzah (the western region), and in the west towards Savah (the eastern region), which might be true if we place the east in China or Bengal, and the west in Armenia or Mesopotamia, but it is more probably meant merely to imply that the whole of the water flows through the central region of Khvanîras.
8 L19 has an barisno, accumulation,' both here and in $14. IL19 has there where ;' and we must understand 'in those places where,' as in § 13.
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