7. 'The woman who is young !, who is properly disposed, who is faithful, who is respected, who is good-natured, who enlivens the house, whose modesty and awe are virtuous, a friend of her own father and elders 2, husband and guardian, handsome and replete with animation is chief over the women who are her own associates.
8. The ox which is glorious, which is tall-eared, which has a herd of cows is chief over oxen.
9. 'The Kiharâv 4 is the chief of birds. 10. The horse which is swift 5 is the chief of horses. 11. The hare & is the chief of wild animals; and wheat ? is the chief of grains.
CHAPTER LXII. 1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus : 'In what place stands Kangdez? 3. Where is the enclosure formed by Yim constructed 8 ? 4. In what
1 L19 has talking, eloquent.'
? Nêr. translates nîyâk by 'father's brother,' an elder who is considered as a special protector in India.
s Reading namagâkân, which epithet is omitted in L19.
4 A name of the Karsipt, who is said to be the chief of birds in this world (Pahl. Visp. I, 1, Bd. XXIV,11), the Vis Karsipta who brought the religion to the enclosure formed by Yim (see Vend. II, 138, 139), and which is said, in the Pahlavi version, to be 'a Kahârvâk (or Kahârnâk) who goes back into the existence of the spirits.' To determine the meaning of this name (which Nêr. translates by Sans. kakravâka, 'Brahmany duck') we have to consider not only the two forms kiharâu and ka hârvâk, but also the term kark, 'falcon,' used in Bd. XXIV, 11. The kâmrôs of Bd. XIX, 15, XXIV, 29 (the kîn âmrôs of Chap. LXII, 40) is also said to be the chief of birds, but probably mythic birds are meant.
o L19 has 'white,' as in Bd. XXIV, 6. * See Bd. XXIV, 9.
7 See Bd. XXIV, 19. 8 L19 omits constructed.'
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