7. They call that dress a righteous gift because they consecrate it; and it is necessary to give it to the priests and high-priests, as it is a righteous gift on account of their position. 8. And it is suitable for them to keep it for the reason that the souls are nearer to them; people should also make an effort that the dress may be stitched like the dress of a priest.
9. The sacred beings make up the account and reckoning for the soul when the priest recites frasasti ahurahê mazdau' and removes the Frasasta from this side to that side. 10. The soul passes over the Kinvad bridge when, on the fourth night, it arrives from the world at the Kinvad bridge. 11. First it goes to the abode of fire (åtas-gâh) 3; afterwards, one step reaches to the star station, the second step reaches to the moon station, the third step to the sun station, and with the fourth step it reaches the Kinvad bridge', and they convey it to its own place.
1 Glory be to Ahura-mazda.' Lp adds 'a hunahê vairyêhê as far as a shaya no paiti-gamyâd,' that is to the Ahuna-vairya formula,' &c. as far as may he come to us in righteousness' (Yas. VIII, 1-3).
* A Frasast is a sacred cake marked on the upper side with nine superficial cuts (in three rows of three each) made with a fingernail while repeating the words humat hakht huvarst, wellthought, well-spoken, well-done,' thrice, one word to each of the nine cuts. It is placed before the consecrating priest, but to his right, while the ordinary sacred cakes are to his left (see Haug's Essays, pp. 396, 407, 408).
* That is, when it leaves the vicinity of the body, after hovering about it for three nights (see Sls. XII, 5).
• In other accounts the soul has to pass over this bridge before it steps forwards to the stars and moon and sun (see Mkh. II, 123, 145, VII, 9-12, Dd. XXXIV, 3, AV. V, 2, VII-IX, 1).
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