IX, 210.
perty, he shall not divide it, unless by his own will, with his sons, (for it is) self-acquired (property).
210. If brothers, (once) divided and living (again) together (as coparceners), make a second partition, the division shall in that case be equal; in such a case there is no right of primogeniture.
211. If the eldest or the youngest (brother) is deprived of his share, or if either of them dies, his share is not lost (to his immediate heirs).
212. His uterine brothers, having assembled together, shall equally divide it, and those brothers who were reunited (with him) and the uterine sisters. sambandhi and on Râgh.'s pitripitâmahâdisambandhi. The latter resers also to the parallel passage of Yågñ. Anavâptam, 'lost,' means literally not obtained (by his father).' The translation of svayamargitam by for it is self-acquired' agrees with Nand.'s remark, svayamargitatvád ity arthah. Nar. adds, 'And thus it has been declared that property of the father which has not been acquired by him with exceedingly great trouble must be divided at the will of the sons, and to this refers the passage of Yâgñ. II, 121, “Over land acquired by the grandfather, &c."' Medh., whose commentary on this verse is very corrupt, seems likewise to have inferred from it that Manu admitted the equal ownership of a father and his sons in ancestral property (see also Colebrooke V, Digest XCI). But he combats the theory that sons may without a violation of their duty force the father to divide the ancestral property.
210. Vi. XVIII, 41.
211. Be deprived of his share,' i. e. because he has become an outcast or the like' (Medh.), or because he has become an ascetic' (Kull., Nand.), or because he has emigrated' (Nand.), or 'because he has become a eunuch after the (first) partition' (Når.). Na lupyate, 'is not lost (to his immediate heirs,' is explained by Nár. as follows,'His share, being formerly determined, is not lost, i. e. must not be divided by all the reunited coparceners and thus be made to disappear' (see also the text of Brihaspati, Colebrooke V, Digest CCCCVII, 2). What is to be done with the share is shown in the next verse' (Medb., Nár., Râgh., Nand.).
212. Vi. XVII, 17; Gaut. XXVIII, 21; Yâgñ. II, 138. The
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