XII, 44.
merit the mark of Goodness; each later (named quality is) better than the preceding one.
39. I will briefly declare in due order what transmigrations in this whole (world a man) obtains through each of these qualities.
40. Those endowed with Goodness reach the state of gods, those endowed with Activity the state of men, and those endowed with Darkness ever sink to the condition of beasts; that is the threefold course of transmigrations.
41. But know this threefold course of transmigrations that depends on the (three) qualities (to be again) threefold, low, middling, and high, according to the particular nature of the acts and of the knowledge (of each man).
42. Immovable (beings), insects, both small and great, fishes, snakes, and tortoises, cattle and wild animals, are the lowest conditions to which the quality of) Darkness leads.
43. Elephants, horses, Sadras, and despicable barbarians, lions, tigers, and boars (are) the middling states, caused by the quality of) Darkness.
44. Karanas, Suparnas and hypocrites, Rakshasas
40. Yâgñ. III, 137-139.
41. Of the knowledge (of each man),' i.e. 'if the acts were committed intentionally or not' (Medh.).
42. Immovable (beings),' i. e. 'trees and so forth.' Pasavah, 'cattle,' i. e.'cows and so forth'(Nâr.), or 'dogs and so forth' (Ragh.). Instead of sakakkhapâh (Gov., Kull., Râgh.), and tortoises,' Medh., Når., and Nand. read sarîsripah, 'creeping things,' i. e..scorpions . and the like' (Nár.). Instead of mrigas kaiva (Gov., Kull., Râgh.), and wild animals (or deer),' Medh. and Nand. have srigâlâs ka, and jackals.' 43. Mlekkhân, 'barbarians,' i.e. 'Sabaras and so forth' (Nár.).
44. Karana may denote a caste of men, i.e. 'bards, singers, panders, and the like' (Medh.), or rope-dancers' (Nâr.), or‘Nalas'
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