Book Title: Saddharma Pundarika
Author(s): H Kern
Publisher: Oxford
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Varahamihira, p. xcvii. Varuna, III, 87; V, 96; VII, 4, 7;
VIII, 82, 106; 1X, 244-345, 303,
308; X1, 253, 255. Vasishtba, lawgiver, quoted, pp. xxix
XXX; VIII, 140. - Pragâ pati, 1, 35; III, 198. - sage, VIII, 110; IX, 23. - hymn of, XI, 250. Vasishtba Dharmasastra, pp. xviii-xx,
xxii, XXX-xxxiv, lii, lxviii, lxix,
xcix, cii, cxix. Vassals of king, punishment of neg.
ligent, ix, 272. Våstoshpati, deity, III, 89. Vasus, III, 284; XI, 222. Våradhâna caste, X, 21. Vatsa, sage, VIII, 116. Vayu, deity, v, 96; VII, 4, 7; IX, 42,
303, 306; XI, 120. Veda, conflicting passages of, all
authoritative, II, 14-15. - definition of the term, II, Io. - first source of the law, II, 6-15. - greatness and power of, I, 31;
XII, 94-104. -offences against, cavilling at, 111,
161; IV, 163; XI, 57; divulging, see Penance for; Sudra, disabilities; forgetting, XI, 57;
scorning, II, 11. - origin of, 1, 23; XII, 49. - purifying power of, X1, 264. See
Veda-study. - recitation of. See Veda-study. - riddles from, n1, 231. - stealing the, II, 116; XI, 51. See
Atharvan; Brâhmana, Mantra- samhita, Rahasya, Rig-veda, Samhita, Sâman, Sâma-veda,
Upanishads, Yagur-veda. Vedânta, II, 160; VI, 83, 94. Vedasamngasika. See Ascetic, in-
formal. Veda-study, ceremonies on begin-
ning, II, 70-74; V, 145. - destroys guilt, XI, 246-247. See
Veda, purifying power. -duration of annual term, pp. xlvi-
xlvii; IV, 95-96. - duty of, 11, 28, 156-158, 164-168;
IV, 17-20, 35; VI, 36-37, 83;
VII, 43 ; X, 1, 75-78; XII, 83. - general rule of, iv, 99-100, interruptions of, 111, 188; IV, 101
127; exceptions, II, 105-106,
Veda-study, neglect of, III, 151. See
Penance for neglecting. - private daily, duty of, 11, 106, 166
167; III, 70, 74,81; IV, 58, 145
149; VI, 8. -- neglect of, an Upapataka, XI,
60; results of, in, 63. See
Penance. -- rewards for, 11, 107; III, 66.
See Muttered prayer, Vows. Vedic schools, development and dis
ruption of, pp. xlvi-liii. Vedotsarga, iv, 96-97, 119. Vena, king, VII, 41; IX, 66-67. Vena caste, X, 19, 49. Vice, the eighteen vices of a king,
VII, 45-53. Viganman caste, X, 23. Vikhanas, institutes of. See Vai
khanasa-sutra, Village, boundaries of. See Boun
daries. -pasture-ground around, VIII, 237. Vinasana, a place, II, 21. Vindhya mountains, II, 21. Violence, anybody may be witness
in cases of, viii, 72. - a title of the law, VIII, 6, 344
351. Virág, deity, p. lxiv; I, 32-33; m, ... 195. Vîrâsana, a posture, XI, 111. Vishnu, XII, 111. Vishnu-smriti, pp. xxi-xxiii, xliv, lv,
Ixvi, lxx-lxxi, lxxiii, cxxii. Visvagit sacrifice, X1, 75. Visvâmitra, sage, VII, 42; X, 108. Visvesvara-bhatta, p. cxxv. Vows, for the Veda-study, II, 28,
165, 173-174. Vrâtya, II, 39; X, 20; XI, 63. - descendants of, x, 21-23. - intercourse with, forbidden, 11, 40. - sacrificing for, xi, 198. - sexual intercourse with female,
VIII, 373. See Initiation; Pen
ance for neglect of initiation. Vriddha Manu, pp. xcii, xcvi-xcvii, Vriddhi-sraddha, III, 354. Vyâhritis, II, 76, 78, 81; VI, 70; XI,
333, 349.
SCOTTIDE, of the la-study.
VILI, SLOT nebop.scis
Vriddha_sråddha, III, 25.4VI, 70; 81,
. 70; $hi
Wages, non-payment of, VIII, 5,
215-218. - of herdsmen, vm, 231. - of royal servants, VII, 125-126.
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