XII, 34.
34. Know, moreover, the following to be a brief description of the three qualities, each in its order, as they appear in the three (times, the present, past, and future).
35. When a (man), having done, doing, or being about to do any act, feels ashamed, the learned may know that all (such acts bear) the mark of the quality of Darkness.
36. But, when (a man) desires (to gain) by an act much fame in this world and feels no sorrow on failing, know that it (bears the mark of the quality of) Activity.
37. But that (bears) the mark of the quality of Goodness which with his whole (heart) he desires to know, which he is not ashamed to perform, and at which his soul rejoices.
38. The craving after sensual pleasures is declared to be the mark of Darkness, (the pursuit of) wealth (the mark) of Activity, (the desire to gain) spiritual according to the rule of conduct;' pramâdah, inattentiveness,' i. e. 'to duty.
34. Instead of trishu, 'in the three (times,' Medh., Gov., Kull., Râgh.), Nand. reads nrishu, in men.' Når., who reads trishu, explains the words trayânâm gunânâm, trishu as follows: 'of the three,' i. e. of the study of the Veda and so forth;' of the gunas, i. e. 'of the three classes of virtues ;' in the three,' i.e. in the three original qualities.'
36. Nand. has rikkhati instead of ikkati. I read with Medh., Gov., Kull., Nár., Râght, and Nand., na ka sokati instead of sa ka sokati (editions). K. reads naiva. And feels no sorrow on failing,' i.e. 'if on failing to accomplish his undertaking he begins another, but does not desist from it out of sorrow, that is the meaning' (Ragh.).
37. Instead of yat sarvena (Gov., Kull.), Medh. and K. read yah sarvena, and Nand. sarvam yene. Which with his whole (heart) he desires to know,' i.e. the meaning of the Veda and so forth' (Kull., Râgh.).
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