Srâddha, monthly, description of, III,
187, 203-253, 256-265, 279, 282. - materials for, III, 123, 267-272. -number of guests at, III, 125126, 129. -persons not to be fed at, III, 150-167.
--persons to be fed at, II, 189
190; III, 128-149, 183-186. --results of feeding unworthy guests at, III, 133, 168-182. -rewards for performing, III, 127, 277, 282.
times for performing, III, 122, 273-282.
- special kinds of, III, 254. Srauta-sacrifices. See Sacrifices. Srâvana, month, IV, 95. Srî, deity, III, 89.
Srotriya, a learned Brahmana, pp. xlviii-xlix; IV, 205; VIII, 394. - cannot be made a witness, VIII, 65. - descendant of, sanctifies company, III, 184.
fine for not entertaining virtuous, VIII, 393.
free from taxes, VII, 133. gift of food to, IV, 31. impurity on death of, v, 81. niggardly, and liberal usurer, IV,
property of, not lost by law of limitation, VIII, 149.
- receives the honey-mixture, III,
-to be honoured and supported by king, VII, 134-136; VIII, 395. Srotriyas, seniority among, II, 134. Sruti. See Veda. Suddhidipikâ, of Nârâyana, p. cxxx. Sûdra, caste, cannot commit an offence causing loss of caste, x, 126. disabilities, not allowed to be initiated, x, 4; to be judge, VIII, 20-21; to carry out dead Brahmana, V, 104; to fulfil the sacred law except certain portions, IV, 223; X, 126127; to hear, learn, recite, or teach Veda, III, 156; IV, 99; X, 127; to receive leavings at Srâddha, III, 249; to receive spiritual advice from Brâhmana, IV, 80-81; exception, x, 2; to sacrifice, III, 178; to travel with Snâtaka, IV, 140.
Sûdra, duties and occupations, 1, 91; VIII, 410, 418; IX, 334-335; in times of distress, X, 99-100,
-food and gifts of, unlawful for Brâhmana, III, 164; IV, 211, 218, 223; XI, 24-25; exception, IV, 253
- forcible appropriation of Sûdra's property by Brâhmana, vIII, 417; XI, 13.
-guilt of, in cases of theft, VIII, 337. killing a, an Upapâtaka, XI, 67. See Penance for killing. kings, IV, 61.
- labourers to work for king,VII, 138. manes of, III, 197.
origin of, 1, 31, 87; XII, 43. - position of, naturally a slave, VIII, 413-414.
- presence of many, destroys a country, VIII, 22.
punishment for adultery with Aryan woman, VIII, 374; for assaulting men of higher caste, VIII, 279-283; IX, 248; for defaming men of higher caste, VIII, 267, 270-277; for neglect of duty in next birth, XII, 72.
- residence of, II, 24.
rules of inheritance, IX, 157, 179. special rules of administration of oath, VIII, 113; of burial, v, 92; of examination as witness, VIII, 88; of impurity, v, 83, 99; of marriage, III, 44; of naming, II, 31-32; of purification, II, 62; of saluting, II, 127, 137; of shaving, V, 140; of sipping water, V, 139-140. -visitor not a guest, but fed, III,
110, 112.
- witness for Sûdras, VIII, 68. wives permitted to, III, 13; IX, 157. Sûdras, seniority among, II, 155. Sûdrâ, female, marriage and sexual
intercourse of Aryans with, p. xxvii; III, 13-19, 44, 64, 155, 191, 250; VIII, 383-385; XI, 179. See Son of Sûdrâ wife. Sulka. See Nuptial fee. Sûrasenakas, a tribe, II, 19; VII, 193. Svapâka caste, III, 92.
origin of, x, 19.
position and occupation of, x, 5156.
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