VII, 75.
thousand; hence it is prescribed in the Sâstras that a king shall possess) a fortress.
75. Let that (fort) be well supplied with weapons, money, grain and beasts of burden, with Brâhmanas, with artisans, with engines, with fodder, and with water.
76. Let him cause to be built for himself, in the centre of it, a spacious palace, (well) protected, habitable in every season, resplendent (with whitewash), supplied with water and trees.
77. Inhabiting that, let him wed a consort of equal caste (varna), who possesses auspicious marks (on her body), and is born in a great family, who is charming and possesses beauty and excellent qualities.
78. Let him appoint a domestic priest (purohita) and choose officiating priests (ritvig); they shall perform his domestic rites and the (sacrifices) for which three fires are required.
79. A king shall offer various (Srauta) sacrifices at which liberal fees (are distributed), and in order
75. Yantraih, with engines,' i.e.' with catapults and so forth' (kshepyâdibhih, Nár.), or made of iron and so forth’ (Râgh.).
76. Ap. II, 25, 2-3. Sarvartukam,'habitable in every season' (Når., Nand.), means according to Medh., Gov., Kull., and Râgh. supplied with the produce of every season.
78. Gaut. XI, 12–18; Vas. XIX, 3-6; Baudh. I, 18, 7-8; Vi. III, 70; Yagiz. I, 312-313. Medh., Gov., Râgh., and K. read, as the sense requires, ritvigah, officiating priests, while Kull. alone gives the singular.
79. Ap. II, 26, 1; Vi. III, 81, 84; Yâgñ. I, 314. Enjoyments,' i.e. garlands, perfumes, unguents, and so forth' (Medh.), or "houses, couches, and so forth' (Gov., Râgh.), or gold, clothes, &c.' (Kull.), or wives, houses, clothes, and so forth' (Når.), or cows and buffalos' (Nand.).
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