CHAPTER LVII. 1. The fifty-seventh subject is this, that it is not proper to kill a hedgehog; and, everywhere that they see it, it is necessary to take it up and carry it into the wilderness (sa'hra), so that it may go into a hole, which is ever considered a great good work. 2. Because, when a hedgehog is in their nest?, some ants will die; it will also catch and eat thousands of snakes and other harmful creatures, and it eats all noxious creatures. 3. Therefore, owing to the whole of this, these words are expedient.
CHAPTER LVIII. 1. The fifty-eighth subject is this, that it is ever necessary that those of the good religion should make an effort that they may celebrate a ceremony for their living souls. 2. For the soul, for which they have celebrated a ceremony 3, just as much good work as it then becomes each year, it is twice as much good work the second year. 3. So that, in this manner, the merit of the ceremony for the living soul is increasing just so much every year, while the man is living. 4. And, after that, this also occurs, that, if at the time when that person becomes an immortal soul there be no one at hand-Srôsh being the angel when the ceremony for the living soul is celebrated-Srôsh, the righteous, receives the soul by
1 Lp, B29 have 'goes into an ant's nest.' 2 B29 omits these four words.
• B29 has for every time that they have celebrated a ceremony for the living soul.'
+ See Mkh. II, 115 n.
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