them something, especially what is proper and improper according to revelation ; because the chief principle is this, whether, through the duty of this world, a good or bad result is coming hereafter.
CHAPTER LII. 1. The fifty-second subject is this, that it is incumbent on every one that, every year when the month Fravardin comes on, he is to provide a sacred cake on the day Khurdadi, and whatever they are able to bring to hand, a little of everything, they are to place by that sacred cake, and to consecrate it with the dedicatory formula Ayaranãmka’, so that
1 That is, on the sixth day of the first month of the Parsi year, a day which is called Khurdâd-sâl and kept sacred, because it is said to be the anniversary of many remarkable events, of which the following are mentioned in a Pahlavi tract that is also translated in the Persian Rivayats (B29, fol. 401) :-On that day worldly life was created, Gâyômard came into the world and slew Arezûr, Mashya and Mashyôi grew up from the ground, Hôshâng appeared, Takhmôrup made Aharman his steed, Yim made the world free from death and decay, brought on a truce (? padmânak) with hell, and established depositories for the dead and new year's day, Frédûn divided the world between his three sons, Mânûskîhar slew two of them, and rescued the world from Frâsyâk, Sâm the Narîmânian slew the demon Gandarêpak (7), Kaî-Khûsrội slew Frâsyâk and went to heaven, leaving the sovereignty to Lôrâsp, Zaratûst came to converse with Adharmazd and received the religion from him, KaîVistâsp accepted the religion, eighteen things come in eighteen years to Khûsro son of Allharmazd, Vâhrâm the Vargâvand comes from the Hindûs, Pêshyôtanû, son of Vistâsp, comes from Kangdez, Hûshedar comes to converse with Adharmazd, Sâm slays Az-i Dahâk and rules till Kaî-Khûsrôi reappears to reign for fifty-seven years, with Sôshậns as supreme high-priest, after which Kai-Vistâsp resumes the sovereignty, and Zaratûst the priestship, and the tesurrection takes place on the same day of the year.
* Corrected from airyanãmka in all MSS. See Âf. I, 1 as far as saredhanamka, then gâthâbyô, &c. (Âf. II, 1).
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