9. At the time when one shall depart from the world it is incumbent on sons and daughters and relations, that they give repentance into the mouth of the afflicted one, and that they give the Ashemvoha1 into his mouth. 10. For the high-priests have said that, when they have accomplished repentance because they have committed many sins, they do not arrive in hell, but they administer punishment to them at the head of the Kinvad bridge, and afterwards conduct them to their own place.
11. Repentance is that when they accomplish repentance of the sin which they have committed, and do not commit that sin a second time; if they do commit it, that first sin then comes back?.
1. The forty-sixth subject is this, that, when people become fourteen years of age, it is necessary to tie on the sacred thread-girdles, because the highpriests have said that it is likewise necessary to take into account those nine months that they have been in the womb of the mother.
2. For in our religion there is no duty better than wearing the sacred thread-girdle, and it is incumbent
. See Chap. VII, 1 n.
? That is, repentance is not a mere penance, but requires a change of will, a veritable renunciation of that sin for the future; otherwise it is useless.
See Chap. X, which mentions fifteen years in accordance with Vend. XVIII, 115, 120. But Sls. X, 13 recommends fourteen years and three months as more prudent, no doubt for the reason stated here in the text.
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