taining to Adharmazd, (38) as they obtain the triumph of much power and little injury.
39. And for the sake of not leaving these five planets to their own wills, they are bound by the creator, Adharmazd, each one by two threads (gik) to the sun (Mihir) and moon. 40. And their forward motion and backward motion are owing to the same cause. 41. There are some whose length of thread is longer, such as Saturn and Jupiter, (42) and there are some of which it is shorter, such as Mercury and Venus. 43. Every time when they go to the end of the threads, they draw them back from behind, (44) and they do not allow them to proceed by their own wills, (45) so that they may not injure the creatures.
46. And those two fiends that are greatly powerful, who are opponents of the planetary sun and moon, move below the splendour of those two luminaries? 47. Another-even that which is called the brigand (gad ûg) of the stars, as regards the welfare that exists—is likewise confined below the splendour of the sun. 48. And when it gets far from control, it commits damage and harm on the constellation into which it springs, and on the quarter which is the particular concern of that constellation, (49) until it
1 Referring to the supposed cause of eclipses, which are said to be occasioned by two dark bodies revolving below the sun and moon, so as to pass between them and the earth whenever an eclipse occurs (see Dd. LXIX).
.: Referring to the supposed injurious influence of comets which, as they usually appear one at a time to the unassisted eye, are here assumed to be a single evil being, the Mûspar of Bd. V, 1, 2. : : We should perhaps say she,' as a drug, 'fiend,' is usually considered to be a female being, and the Mûspar or Mûs-pairika is a witch.
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