And by what power of adjudication is one executed and one rewarded 1 ?
103. Again, observe this, was this world made and created by him (the creator) for a purpose, for his own pleasure and for the sake of the comfort and happiness of mankind, or without a purpose, for his own discomfort and the hurry, trouble, pain, and death of mankind ? 104. For if made by him without a purpose, he was acting foolishly; (105) a thing without a purpose being not acceptable by the wise. 106. If made by him for a purpose, and created by him for his own pleasure and the comfort and happiness of mankind, (107) why was it not made by him prosperous and full of happiness?
108. If his pleasure and happiness arise from the preparation of mankind and the creatures, what is the advantage from their slaughter and devastation? 109. If thoughts of crime are not given by him himself to mankind, who is he who gives thoughts of crime different from his command and will ? 110. If they are given by him himself, and he now considers them a fault, what is that justice and arbitration of his owing to ? 111. For when mankind, with little knowledge and little wisdom, even then, so far as they are able, do not let the lion and wolf and other noxious creatures in among their own young ones and pregnant females, (112) so long as they can destroy them, (113) why has the merciful sacred being now let 2 Aharman and the demons in upon his own creatures, (114) so that they have
1 That is, why is the sinner punished while the adversary, who occasions the sin, remains unmolested and triumphant ?
AK has let' written above admitted.'
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